To all of the educators out there teaching in early childhood- the daycare workers, the preschool and kindergarten teachers, even up into first and second grade, this post is for you. First, to salute you for your noble work. Teaching littles can be difficult, emotions run high and logic doesn’t always seem to follow. But at the end of the day, we all know the work we are doing is worth it for those little brains to learn and grow.
Here’s a tool for my fellow sensory bin lovers, something I’ve searched the internet, Pinterest, and Instagram for a few years now, and I am ready to share my findings with you. My best list of sensory bin fillers!
- Good old fashioned rice- Fairly common, but always a hit. Dye the rice fun colors for an added twist.
- Shaving cream or
- Whipped cream- make sure your students know which one is edible!
- Pom-poms
- Cardboard pieces cut up smaller
- Water with scoops and cups
- Ice
- Playdough
- Tissue paper
- Water beads
- Shredded paper
- Dried noodles
- Cooked noodles
- Foam packing peanuts
- Bubble wrap
- Cotton balls as pretend snow
- A big bucket of snow! What’s more fun than snow indoors for littles?
- Dried corn for those fall months
- Straw or hay
- Fake grass (usually made for Easter baskets)
- REAL grass!
- Legos
- Bubble Foam
- Sand or moon sand
- Rocks
- Leaves
- Buttons
- If you’re feeling like you’re ready for a really messy day- Dirt!
- Feathers
- Flower petals/ flowers- either real or fake
- Fabric pieces
- Beads
The possibilities are endless! We have had so many successes and failures in our sensory bin activities. Some I find are not interesting right away, but left out can facilitate great play. This list is just a start to items you can find in a sensory table, but my hope is that it can get your gears turning for some fun, imaginative play for littles.
What are some of your go-to sensory bin activities? What has worked for you in the past? Is there something new on this list that you are going to try in your classroom?
A child’s play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has aquired.
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