You Probably Have An ESFJ Student In Your Classroom- Here’s How To Foster Their Personality

This is part of a series of using Myers Briggs personality types in the classroom. For more information, click here. For information on how to figure out your student’s MBTI type, click here. 

Dedicated, loyal, social, and personable. Does this describe a student of yours? If you have an ESFJ student, this could be a great explanation of their personalities. ESFJ students are your cheerleaders, your star football players, your student council leaders. They like to be the ones who set the stage and lead others to success.


When you’re teaching an ESFJ student, you are teaching a future nurse, teacher, or child care worker. Their careers lead them down a path to take care of others because that’s what they do best, therefore it only makes sense that group work is where they work best. In a group work setting, they are the ones to look over everyone, making sure each person is involved and participating. 

They learn best when the material learning is systematic and organized in a manner they can visualize. Having the study material beforehand to access helps them vastly succeed. They also thrive on hearing different angles of how to accomplish what they are learning. For example, it would be very beneficial to teach them two or three different processes for long division, instead of sticking with one. This can help them fully connect the concept in their minds. 

ESFJs don’t handle criticism well and can be uncomfortable in a classroom where they have been criticized in the past. They need to feel validated and will flourish in an environment with a happy, comfortable culture.   

How can you use this information to better teach the students in your classroom? How do you teach your ENFJ students? 

2 Replies to “You Probably Have An ESFJ Student In Your Classroom- Here’s How To Foster Their Personality”

  1. I am a maths teacher. I am an INTJ, having an ESFJ student. Very stressful. I know this isn’t his fault. He can’t choose his trait. That’s him. But I can’t handle this kid. His classmates are ESTP, ESFP, ISFJ, INFP. Sadly, only 1 INFP in this class. Maybe that’s why I decide to stop teaching this class. I don’t get connected here.

    1. It can be so frustrating to work with different personality types, especially when they are so opposite from you! Do you feel like understanding his personality type helps you understand him better?

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