Challenging the Gifted Learner

When I was growing up and in school, I was under the assumption that kids who were in the gifted or accelerated programs were always the ideal student with no behavior issues, super organized, and very on top of everything. Boy was I wrong! Sure, there are gifted students who are well behaved, and on top of things, but they aren’t all like that. Just as in any other classroom, students in a gifted program are diverse in their skills and abilities. Gifted doesn’t mean perfect student.

When I was taking courses to get my gifted endorsement, and especially when I was eventually teaching gifted classes, I learned that gifted kids are just like any other kids, and that their brains usually just process information in a unique way. Just as I would make accommodations for my students who had 504 plans or IEPs, I often found myself making accommodations for my students who learned at an accelerated rate. While making changes to assignments and instruction for one or two students can be challenging, it’s always worth it. Students who want to be challenged and who excel when pushed should have the opportunity to do so. 

So how, then, do you challenge a gifted student? It’s really pretty easy when you have a class full of gifted learners; your entire curriculum is designed to teach accelerated students. However, when you’re changing things to accommodate one or two students, it requires a little more effort. It’s important to remember that accommodating accelerated learners doesn’t mean more work for the student; it means different work and higher level thinking skills. Below are a few ways you can challenge your gifted students while still teaching the same concepts to the entire class. 

  • When teaching new vocabulary to students, have faster learners re-write definitions in their own words.
  • Offer tiered assignments with varying levels of difficulty. This allows students to choose what level of complexity they want to tackle while still having all students show their knowledge on a particular subject.
  • When doing a group project, have accelerated learners work together. They will often challenge each other to think further.
  • Eliminate “entry level” questions or assignments— kids who are gifted often see these kinds of tasks as a waste of time and see no challenge in them.
  • Offer project based learning, allowing students to showcase their talents, skills, knowledge, and interests. 
  • Offer opportunities for gifted students to teach students who are struggling.
  • If assigning essay type questions, assign gifted students questions that require a higher level of thinking.
  • Instead of having students only answer the “how” of something, have them answer the “why” of it as well. 
  • Offer after school clubs or programs that target unique interests.
  • Ask them how they want to be challenged! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting the student’s input and feedback on how they learn best and how they want to be challenged. The answers might surprise you!

Accelerated students are such a fun group of kids. They offer unique insight and views on life, and bring so much to a classroom. How do you challenge your gifted students?

Valentine’s I Spy Printables

In continuing with some fun Valentine’s Day themed ideas for the classroom (or home!), I’ve created two different I Spy printables, one in color, and the other in black and white, so you can print whichever version works for you!

Put kids in to teams to find the pictures, have them work independently, or make it a whole class activity. Count each different picture, then add up the numbers to see how many total pictures are on the page. The options are plentiful, and the fun is endless!

Happy Spying!

*Please only use these printables for classroom or home use. Do not sell these files.*

Valentine’s Day Freebies

Valentine’s Day is just a couple of weeks away! If you’re looking for a fun, easy Valentine’s Day themed activity for your class to do, I’ve got you covered! Click the boxes below to download a Valentine’s Day Word Scramble and/or a Valentine’s Day Word Search. Check back next week for some more Valentine’s Day fun!

*Please only use for home or classroom use. Do not sell or redistribute these files.*

Student Engagement: Crucial for a Functioning Classroom

“Open your books to page 24. Today we are covering chapter 3, and will learn about land formations. We will read pages 24-30 out loud as a class, with each student taking a paragraph. Let’s start with Kevin and go up and down the rows.”


“I’m going to split you into groups of 4. Each group will be given a different land formation and an information sheet on that specific formation. Review your sheet together. Then, as a group, you will use the scrap bin and other art materials to create a 3-D model of your land formation. Your group will present to the class and will share what you have learned. You have 40 minutes. Ready? Go!” 

Two scenes, two different approaches, two very different responses from students. Which classroom would you rather be in?

I imagine the first scenario would produce groans, eye rolls, and heavy sighs from the students, not to mention massive amounts of anxiety for the students who absolutely loathe reading out loud in front of the class. I imagine the second scenario would be received with more enthusiasm, excitement, and willingness to participate.

Of the two scenarios, it’s pretty obvious that the level of student engagement increases exponentially with the second option. When students are engaged, they are much more likely to participate in the lesson or activity, and there is also a greater likelihood that they will retain the information that is being taught. Another positive benefit of keeping students engaged is that they are less likely to cause boredom induced behavior problems because they will be actively engaged in the lesson. I realize that not every lesson can be taught with art, models, videos, or games. Even still, teachers ought to be making every effort possible to keep students engaged and interested in the material being taught; not every engagement technique requires fancy bells and whistles. 

Student engagement is vital to a thriving classroom, so here are a few ideas you may or may not have tried with your own students. Keep in mind that not every idea will work for every student or every lesson, and that’s ok! That’s why we have a variety of options in our teacher toolboxes!

Use your students’ interests– When students are interested in what they are learning or can see a direct connection to something they are interested in, they are more willing to learn and retain what is taught. If you can connect football play strategies to your study of World War II battle strategies, you’ve gained the attention of all of your football loving kids. Having your students listen to Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” as you study Romeo and Juliet will quickly engage your Swiftie students. 

Gamification– Use game elements in your teaching. Create a BINGO game as a review before a test, use Kahoot to reinforce information, or create a fun online scavenger hunt for students to complete to collect information.

Anticipatory Activities– When introducing a new unit or topic, provide students with a fun and engaging activity to get them thinking about what they are going to study. Studying a book about Ernest Shackleton’s crew of men who get stranded in Antarctica for a couple of years when their ship wrecks in 1912? Play a true/false game with crazy or cool facts about Antarctica and show pictures of what it is like there.

Collaborative Learning– Use group work when possible. Students can work together to solve problems, gather information, and learn together. They can learn from each other, and can gain valuable people skills through group work.

Provide Choices– Allow students a say in how they show what they’ve learned. Provide them with options that target different learning styles so everyone has a chance to use their strengths to showcase their knowledge.

Use Media– Show video clips or listen to music to reinforce content. YouTube is loaded with tons of short educational videos that can bring so much to a lesson. Music has also been proven to aid with memory and retainment. 

Laugh Together– It really is true what they say- laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has a way of connecting people. Laughing together as a class can lighten the mood, ease stress, and help students feel more comfortable in their learning environment. Besides, no one likes a teacher who is grumpy and stuffy all the time! 

Take a Break– Provide your students with opportunities to take a break from their learning. A simple brain break video works great. Have them stand up, stretch, and get wiggles out. Let them chat with a neighbor for a few minutes. Play a quick round of Silent Ball or Heads Up, Seven Up. Taking a short break from working can give the brain a rest and a chance to reset and refresh, which, in turn, increases productivity and alertness. 

These ideas are only a few of the many techniques to engage students. Find what works for you as a teacher and for your students. Don’t be afraid to shake it up a bit and try something you maybe haven’t tried before. You may be surprised at how well it’s received by your students!

100 Days of School Celebrations

My second and third graders hit the 100th day of school mark today, and my kindergartner and preschoolers will hit it next week. It’s weird to think we are over halfway done with the school year already.

The second grade celebrated by inviting kids to dress up as 100 year olds and did a bunch of activities throughout the day. Amazon saved my behind with overnight delivery and kindly had a cute little “old man” costume at my door by 6 am. I dropped my son off at school and smiled as I watched other students walking into the school in costume. Sure, dress up days can be stressful, but they are so much fun!

Do you celebrate the 100th day of school at your school? If so, how do you celebrate? Since our school year started in the middle of August, we are hitting our 100th day sooner than a lot of other schools across the country. If you haven’t hit the 100 day mark yet, and are planning on celebrating with students, here are a few ideas you could use!

  • Have students dress up as 100 year old people— there’s nothing cuter than little kids dressed up as old people!
  • Ask each student to bring a small bag filled with 100 of something— noodles, buttons, small candies, beads, legos, Cheerios, pennies, crayons, erasers, etc. Have them compare how big or small each collection of things is— even though each bag contains 100 items, the fullness of the bags will differ according to the size of the items in them.
  • Give students 100 small items— math counters, buttons, pennies, etc. Have them sort them several different ways to show how many ways you can make 100.
  • Color and make 100 day hats or glasses.
  • As a class, in small groups, or individually, have students come up with a list of 100 words they know.
  • Make 100 day necklaces with 100 pieces of cereal. Have students count out their cereal before they make their necklaces.
  • Make a list of 100 things they can do (or want to learn to do).
  • Make a mosaic using 100 small pieces of paper.
  • Count out 100 ice cubes into a bowl. Have students guess how long they think it will take them to all melt.
  • Make a paper cup pyramid with 100 cups.
  • Have students create a “Before I am 100” bucket list with things they’d like to do in their lifetime. You can choose the number of things you want them to write on their list.
  • Go on a candy scavenger hunt. Write numbers 1-100 on dot stickers, then stick them on small wrapped pieces of candy (Hershey kisses work great). Hide them around the room and have students go on a hunt. Have them put the numbers in order as they find them. 
  • Have each student walk 100 steps. Measure whose steps went the furthest. You could try different ways to walk— little tiny steps, big monster steps, normal steps, alternating one small step with one big step, and so on. 
  • If you have snack time during school, give each student 100 of whatever snack you have that day. If you don’t normally have snack time, this is a great day to have one!
  • Choose a few exercise moves (sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups, etc.) you know your students can easily do and have them do 100 seconds of each exercise.
  • Give each student 100 interlocking math blocks. Have them build something with them. This is a fun small group or partner activity.
  • Using 100 objects, create 100 written out.

Well there you have it— fun ways to celebrate the 100th day of school! Happy celebrating!

Ideas for Teaching The Giver

One of my favorite novels to teach with my eighth grade students was The Giver by Lois Lowry. The novel is rich with themes and ideas that lend themselves to some really good classroom discussions. Because the main character is close in age to junior high students, it provided excellent opportunities for students to make text to self connections and dive deeper into the book and really try to understand what it would be like to live in the society that is portrayed in the novel. 

The book is set in a “utopian” society. The people are pleasant and kind. They follow their laws and rules very obediently. The people don’t have memories, don’t see color, and they don’t feel pain, joy, love, sadness, etc. Weather is constant. There aren’t birthdays, and everyone born each year moves up a year (age) all together. They are assigned jobs as they become a 12, and begin training for their new assignment right away. Jonas, the main character, is given the assignment as The Receiver. His job is to receive and hold the memories of the past. It is a heavy responsibility. Through this assignment, Jonas learns just how imperfect his society really is. 

Students today are pretty familiar with dystopian novels, as they have recently risen in popularity. So while the genre itself isn’t new to most kids, some of the ideas that are in the novel are, or are at least presented in a new way. This provides a plethora of discussion and thinking points for students to study as they read the novel. Below is a list of some ideas you can use as you teach this novel.

  • As an anticipatory assignment, have students brainstorm what makes a “perfect” society. What kinds of rules are there? How are jobs chosen/assigned? Is there school? How is healthcare handled? What kind of government is there, and how are leaders chosen?
  • After they have brainstormed, have students design their own perfect society. 
  • Discuss the importance of names and individuality— the people in the novel are assigned a family unit and are assigned a name and a number. 
  • Talk about color. This is a great chance to do some cross-curricular activities. Learn how the eyes see and process color. Imagine a world where color didn’t exist. Talk about how color can influence the way we perceive things and remember things.
  • Talk about memory. Have students write about their favorite or important memory in each category: family, friends, school, a time they were sad, and a time they were happy. 
  • Discuss pain. Talk about what life would be like if we didn’t know pain of any kind. Find some quotes that talk about pain and have students write about what each quote means to them.
  • Talk about how the elderly are cared for in our society vs. in the novel.
  • If you feel your students are mature enough to handle it, appropriately teach them about euthanasia.
  • Talk about different kinds of government and the pros and cons of each kind.
  • Invite students to illustrate or write about a memory of their favorite celebration (holiday or birthday).
  • Have students write or think about what it would be like to experience a particular type of weather for the first time. 
  • At the end of the novel, ask students to write an additional chapter where Jonas returns to his society and tries to teach friends and family about what he has learned.
  • Have students reflect on how Jonas’ society is skewed, and to note any similarities and differences they might see between where Jonas lives and where we live. 

The Giver is full of so many opportunities to teach, discuss, and ponder the rights and wrongs of society. The topics, for the most part, are things that junior high students deal with or at least have dealt with in their lives. They can relate to Jonas as he navigates learning new things and goes through changes in his life. This novel opens up so many possibilities in a classroom and is a book that is worth reading!

Say Goodbye to Traditional Book Reports

One a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how much did you enjoy doing book reports as a student? I’d bet that the majority of people would say they are at a 4 or lower. Traditional book reports are just so… boring. They aren’t fun to students to write, and if I’m being totally honest, I’d bet that most teachers don’t enjoy grading them. 

So rather than having your students write a traditional essay style book report, try something new! Students always appreciate when things get jazzed up a bit, and I promise you that alternative book reports are a whole lot more fun to grade. Plus, different kinds of “reports” get students to think about their books in different ways. Rather than just a summary, they get to use more critical and imaginative thinking skills to complete their assignment.

I taught junior high English for a long time, and quickly learned how to change up the boring book report and make it into something fun. Book assignments that feel more like a fun time (but are still assessing learning) rather than a monotonous summary of a book are a sure fire way to get students more engaged and more willing to do the work. 

So if you are a teacher who has students complete an assignment based on a book they’ve read, give some of these a try! I have used all but a couple of these ideas myself in my classroom with my students, so I assure you that they are fun and engaging for students!

  • Book quizzes— three or four short answer questions about their book. 
    • Describe the main character
    • Use good describing words to “show” what the scenery in the book is like
    • What was the biggest conflict in the book, and how was it resolved?
    • Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?
    • etc.
  • Draw a new cover for the book.
  • Create a playlist of songs that would be the soundtrack to your book. With each song, describe what part of the book you chose that song for and why you chose it. Illustrate an album cover.
  • Create a comic strip for a scene in your book.
  • Write a test for your book— include some multiple choice questions, several short answer questions, and an answer key.
  • Write and illustrate a children’s book version of your book. 
  • Write an interview for one of the characters. Include the character’s answers.
  • Create a social media profile for one of the characters. Include a profile picture and a couple of posts with pictures and captions.
  • Rewrite the ending of the book.
  • ABCs of the book— think of something that has to do with your book for every letter of the alphabet. In 2 sentences, describe how that word ties to the book.
  • Write a text message exchange between two or more characters discussing something that happened in the book.
  • Choose one character and write 2-3 journal entries from their point of view.
  • If there was a certain food that the book mentioned a lot, find a recipe and make it. Bring it to share with the class.
  • Create a timeline of events that happen in the book.

Hopefully one or more of these ideas will be useful to you. If anything, it’s given you a reason to think about the way you assign book assignments and how you might be able to change things up a bit!