Were you ever the ‘new kid’ at school? You know the feeling— anxious, unfamiliar, and a little excited all at the same time. Growing up, my family moved around a little bit, and I had the chance to be the new kid a few times. It wasn’t always easy, but it definitely brought some growth and new opportunities.
I’m feeling a bit like the new kid around here right now. A little anxious, a bit unfamiliar with things, but mostly very excited! My name is Logan Nielsen, and I will now be the one behind the posts on this blog. McKenzie has done an incredible job, and I have big shoes to fill, but I am up for the challenge!
So who is this ‘new kid’ anyway? I am a former junior high English teacher turned stay at home mom. I taught junior high for eight years in Utah, and spent one year as a paraeducator in a special education classroom at a middle school in Oakland, California. Over the course of my time teaching, I taught general education English courses to grades 7, 8, and 9, and also taught Creative Writing, Study Skills, and advanced level English courses for grades 7 and 8. Writing is one of my favorite things to do, and I am passionate about education.
In my personal life, I am married to a hardworking husband, and am mom to five amazing kids, ages 8, 7, 5, 4, and 3. My oldest four are boys, and our little caboose is our only girl. My husband works as a vocational counselor, helping people with disabilities find work. My hobbies include reading, crafting/sewing/quilting, and spending as much time with my family as I can. I also enjoy creating and doing educational activities for my children. We value handwork, play, and learning at our house!
I am excited to be here. I hope I can continue to publish informative quality posts that you’ve become accustomed to reading here. Thanks for being here and coming along for the ride!