This is part of a series using enneagram in education. For more information on why enneagram in education, refer to this post.
Enneagram type 4, the romantic, or the individualist.
A few words to describe this type:
Let’s pull this into a classroom setting. If you’re an enneagram type four, you’re the daydreamer in the back of the classroom doodling in a notebook. Your key motivator as a type four is to be unique and different, always having the most artistic work. As a true artist, you’re very focused on what’s missing. Whether that’s within yourself, or in your work. You can also be sensitive to criticism, feelings can be hurt when something negative comes up.
How to get the most out of your education as a type four.
- Don’t just focus on the negative of feedback, remember to focus on the positive as well.
- Embrace the artistic side of you and find a way to make your work creative.
- Get involved in deep conversations with peers about topics that are interesting to you.
- Create aestically pleasing notes and workspace for school work to motivate you.
“Highly personal, individualistic, “true to self.” Self-revealing, emotionally honest, humane. Ironic view of self and life: can be serious and funny, vulnerable and emotionally strong.”
– The Enneagram Institute
Type 4’s go to type 1 in growth and type 2 in stress.
Are you a type 4? What is important for you to have a successful learning environment?
Cover photo: Enneagram Worldwide