An Introduction To Using Enneagram In Education

Let’s talk enneagram! I want to do a segment on the enneagram personality type and how it can help us understand how we learn. I did a segment on Myers-Briggs type indicator last year and felt inclined to highlight enneagram as well. 

Why is it important to know personality type when it comes to education? 

“When we study nine personality types of the Enneagram, we can better understand how and why others see the world differently from us. This awareness leads to greater compassion and acceptance of others. We can apply this knowledge to adapt our teaching style (sometimes in very small ways) to make a big difference in how well our students learn. In the classroom, the Enneagram can help teachers and students connect to be effective partners in education.” –Rob Fitzel 

We as humans see the world one way, but can be confused or misunderstanding when others see the world in a different way. Understanding enneagram types of not only ourselves but others can be a great fix for this. Having validation of the best learning environment for yourself can also set you up for success. There are so many different ways to study and take notes, so having this knowledge can give you the chance to find your groove of learning faster. 

What is enneagram?

It is not just an indicator of personality, but dives deep into someone and finds their core beliefs, why they make decisions, and the driving factor behind our actions and feelings. The symbol for enneagram is a web of sorts because each type takes on different aspects of other types during growth and stress. For example, a type one will lean towards a type 4 personality in stress and a type 7 during growth. For the sake of simplicity, I will not be diving too deep into this topic. If it is something you wish to delve deeper into, I will have additional websites linked below with further information. 

How do you find your type?

There are multiple tests you can take to determine this, but I have not found one specific test that I lean towards using, so I will leave finding a test up to you. Perhaps the best way you can find your personality type is research, research, research! Learning about every single type and finding which ones you can identify with most. 

I’m excited to dive in deep to this learning context with you! Come back next week to learn about type 1’s, what their personality entails, and how they learn best. 

What is your enneagram personality type? 

Other resources for learning more about enneagram and finding your personality type:

Instagram accounts to follow:

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