This is part of a series using enneagram in education. For more information on why enneagram in education, refer to this post. To read about other enneagram types in education, you can see those here.
Enneagram type 7, the enthusiast, or the epicure.
A few words to describe this type:
Future Thinker.
Fun Seeker.
Let’s pull this into a classroom setting. If you’re an enneagram type seven, you’re constantly bouncing ideas off of your peers, seeing how you can make connections with multiple subjects of study. Sitting still isn’t an option, especially when it comes to a subject you are passionate about. You are constantly pumping up your classmates and teachers to have positive energy, for you genuinely believe it’s the best and only way to learn. When a lesson or lecture slows down in pace it’s easy for you to become distracted and especially daydream of bigger, better plans for the future.
How to get the most out of your education as a type seven.
- Find ways to stay focused during those slower, less engaging lectures.
- Continue sharing your positive energy and light!
- Be mindful of those that are learning differently than you, others need to sit in silence and take in information (hello, type five!) and can react in a negative way to your bubbly, excited personality, even causing them not to take in the needed information.
- Embrace your scatter-brained thinking. Your form of organization may not be “ideal” to the eyes of society, but it typically works for you, so keep it.
- Remember to say no when too much is too much.
- Find a project to work on that will help you achieve your forward-thinking, community building tendencies.
“Sevens are exuberant, fast-paced, spontaneous, analytical and idea-oriented. Others may perceive Sevens as quickly shifting topics, making excuses, self-absorbed and indifferent to others’ input.”
– Enneagram Worldwide
Type 7’s go to type 5 in growth and type 1 in stress.
Are you a type 7? What is important for you to have a successful learning environment?
Featured Photo: The Enneagram Institute