One of my earliest and most vivid memories is of puttering around my preschool’s trays of outdoor loose parts. I can still smell the paste and egg cartons; I can feel the fistfuls of pebbles; I can recall the sense of pride at my creations. Making is something that resonates with me right down to my core, and I love that maker mindsets and makerspaces continue to gain traction in schools today.
If you’re looking for a good way to introduce your makerspace this year, why not begin with a provocation to get students wondering?
Resource #1: 10 Ways to Change a Lightbulb via The Kid Should See This
Resource #2: Primitive Technology: Sandals also via The Kid Should See This (and the guy’s channel)
And if your kids enjoy that one, be sure to introduce them to the Primitive Technology Youtube channel!
Resource #3: Picture Books!
SO many picture books inspire a maker-mindset, but a couple favorites include:
“Rosie Revere, Engineer” by Andrea Beaty,
“The Most Magnificent Thing” by Ashley Spires,
and “What Do You Do With An Idea?” by Kobi Yamada.
Provocation Questions:
- Why do people make?
- How does making influence communities, countries, the world?
- How are making and creativity connected?
- What responsibilities do we have when making?
featured image: DeathToTheStockPhoto