Scholarship Reminder! The Scholarship is DUE

Scholarship reminder! The scholarship is DUE! There are four more days (from the time this was posted) until all applications need to be finished and submitted. Our application closes May 28, 2023, 11:59 pm MST. 

Our submission form is closed down and does not take submissions after the deadline has passed, so get your application in before this time. Each year we have one or two individuals that send us an email letting us know that they were working on their final submission but didn’t get it in on time, and ask if they can still submit. Sadly, the answer is always no. To be fair to everyone, we set a deadline and hold true to this deadline. 

So gather all of your work and get everything submitted! 

Our email is also always open to any questions you may have or guidance needed during the process, even after your project has been submitted. 

You can see more about the scholarship requirements by downloading our checklist here.

For more information on the scholarship, head here.

For our 2023 final submission link, head here.

Other helpful posts:

Scholarship Reminder! We Want to Hear Your Story

We want to hear your story. No really, we do! If you’re writing up your scholarship application and feel like you’re typing too much, I want you to know that you most likely aren’t typing enough. 

In order to choose a scholarship winner we have to know everything we can about your project, it has to come alive for us and your story needs to be told through your words, video, and photos. The more details you give us, the more we can see what your project is, what it’s done for your community, and most importantly, what it means to you. 

When reading applications, we can tell which students completed the checklist to qualify for the scholarship to help their community in some way, and the students really took time out of their lives to serve, help, and literally build a better community. If your passion is in your project, let that show in your application! Tell us why it’s personally important to you and how it’s impacted your life, as well as your peers and community members. 

We want to hear it all, we really do. Tell us your story! 

Our email is also always open to any questions you may have or guidance needed during the process.

You can see more about the scholarship requirements by downloading our checklist here.

For more information on the scholarship, head here.

For our 2023 final submission link, head here.

Scholarship Reminder! Video Requirements

Here’s your weekly scholarship reminder. There is a video that is required for your final submission. This video can be uploaded to YouTube and shared with us, or uploaded to your Google Drive and shared with us. The video requirements are as follows:

2-5 minutes long including examples of your work in action (photos, video clips, etc.)

Include a few words directly from you regarding your project (can be a voice-over)

Include 1-3 brief interviews with people you are working with.

Address the following questions:

  • What would you improve with more time?
  • What new skills or concepts have you acquired?
  • What have you learned about yourself based on the experience?

If you already have a video created for your project for a different purpose, can you still use it for the scholarship application? Yes, if it still meets all of our requirements and answers all three questions within the video. You may also create a new video for this scholarship application specifically and send in a video you’ve already made as a supplement. But all video requirements must be met in order to qualify.

Our email is also always open to any questions you may have or guidance needed during the process.

You can see more about the scholarship requirements by downloading our checklist here.

For more information on the scholarship, head here.

For our 2023 final submission link, head here.

Scholarship Reminder!

Your scholarship application is due, soon! The deadline for your final submission is May 28, 2023, 11:59 pm MST

This gives you just over 6 weeks to finish up your work, gather photo evidence of what you’ve been working on, and fine-tune your submission paragraphs.

PLEASE keep in mind that the scholarship submission will take a good chunk of your time to go through, write everything out, and upload your files. We strongly suggest submitting everything several days before the due date to ensure everything is uploaded and in before the due date. If you are worried about something not going through or just want to make sure we received your submission, feel free to reach out to us via email.

Our email is also always open to any questions you may have or guidance needed during the process.

For more information on the scholarship, head here.

For our 2023 submission link, head here.