This is a series of provocations designed to provide resources for students to inquire into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. For more, click here.
The global goal of Life on Land is all about protecting and restoring ecosystems, forests, and biodiversity. In my experience, many children already tend to be passionate here, to saving endangered species to rainforest conservation, so bridging to the Sustainable Development Goals might be a natural connection.
Resource #1: Wildlife Aid’s ‘Saving Harry’ by Kris Hofmann
Resource #2: Nokia, HK Honey by Kiku Ohe
Resource #3: Biotop by Jola Bańkowska
Resource #4: Toposcape by Adnaan Jiwa (might be a little advanced for younger students, but a fascinating watch!)
Resource #5: Age of the Farmer by Spencer MacDonald
Resource #6: A Boy & a Jaguar by Alan Rabinowitz & Catia Chien
Resource #7: The Tree Lady by H. Joseph Hopkins & Jill McElmurry
Provocation Questions:
- What is deforestation?
- What is an ecosystem?
- What is the connection between deforestation and animal species conservation?
- Why is every species an important part of an ecosystem?
- What is our responsibility for sustainable use of trees for ourselves? For our world?
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featured image: DeathToTheStockPhoto