An educator in my PLN, Matthew Oldridge, recently shared a fabulous perspective on mathematics:
“Kids should see mathematics as a thinking tool to use to engage with the world.”
I have long since been an advocate of helping students see the power and wonder of their words; I’m afraid I cannot say the same for numbers. So this week’s provocation centers on helping our students inquire and wonder into numbers.
Resource #1: A Brief History of Banned Numbers, by TED-Ed
Resource #2: 1+1=5: And Other Unlikely Additions, by David LaRochelle
Resource #3: Beauty in Numbers: Pi, by Rebecka Taule
Provocation Questions:
- How do numbers work?
- How do numbers allow us to interact with the world around us?
- What if we did not have numbers?
- How are words and numbers related?
featured image: DeathToTheStockPhoto