Welcome to our #GoGreek series! This blog series focuses on interviewing past and present members of sororities and fraternities. We are able to learn more about their experiences and ask them questions to help others learn more about the Greek world, bust stigmas, and find out if Greek life is right for you. Check out all of our #GoGreek interviews here.
Today we are interviewing Mariah Woodford, alumni of Delta Delta Delta at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming.
Mariah wanted to be a part of Tri Delta specifically because she felt connected to the women in this organization and also felt drawn to their philanthropy. She originally joined because she saw posters for recruitment her Freshman year and decided to give it a shot just to try to make more friends and be involved with events on campus, even if she didn’t end up joining. She and her roommate both ended up joining two different sororities!
What was your philanthropy and what effect did serving this philanthropy have on your life?

“Our philanthropy was St. Jude. It was such a fun and fulfilling philanthropy to be a part of. I truly felt and believed we were helping such a great cause and made a difference. The hospital actually has a building next to it called “Tri Delta Place” where families of St. Jude have a place to stay so that they don’t have to move or relocate while they are going through such a tough thing that childhood cancer brings. Being a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, service is something we always try to focus on. Being able to raise money for St. Jude was a great way to serve people and in this case, children who absolutely need all of the love and service they can get. Even though I have graduated and my sorority days are long behind me, I never miss the opportunity when presented to me to give to St. Jude.”
What was your favorite part about being in a fraternity or sorority?
“My favorite part was being able to grow amazing friendships and truly just have so much fun. It definitely made my college experience so much better. I also really appreciated that as a house, we stressed the importance of our academics. Living in the house, there was always someone that was either in your class, had taken your class, knew someone in your class, etc. that could help you when you needed it.”
What advice would you give to someone who wants to or is about to enter a sorority or fraternity?
“Joining a sorority is a big decision, but it was one of the best decisions I made when I went to college. There are so many amazing things within Greek life that from the outside you would never see or know until you join. Be true to yourself and who you are, and you will find the house that best fits you.”
Mariah also comments that her time in her sorority also helped boost her resume by the ability to network and add in leadership positions in multiple ways.