Student Food Pantries and Wellness Rooms: A Beacon of Light

It’s no secret that it’s downright hard to be a kid or teen in today’s world. There are so many things pulling for their attention and time, and basic needs shouldn’t be something they need to worry about. But for many kids, obtaining basic necessities are a cause of worry. Families experiencing financial hardship, homelessness, or domestic abuse, among other things, often have a difficult time providing the most basic human needs— food, clothing, hygiene items, and laundry facilities. 

No one should have to go without these things. Thankfully, many schools across the nation have implemented in-school food pantries and wellness rooms— a place students can go, free of charge, no questions asked, to get the things they need. 

These pantries provide snacks and other foods that students can take home with them so they don’t have to go hungry. Many schools offer both non-perishable and perishable foods and ingredients to prepare basic meals. 

One high school in Utah went a step further than just providing food and set up a teen room, which they call The Hub. Students can make an appointment to visit The Hub and can get food, hygiene items (soap, shampoo, toothbrush/paste, feminine hygiene products, and deodorant), clothing (socks, underwear/bras, shirts, and pants), and household items (toilet paper, paper towels, washcloths, towels, and blankets). They even have a washer and dryer on site for students to do their laundry during school hours. 

In addition to providing for the physical needs of their students, this high school also has a wellness room where students can go if they need a break and need to calm down. It’s a quiet place for students to regroup, do homework, or relax. What an amazing resource for these students! In a time of life when there are so many uncertainties and stressors, this school has seen a need and has sought to alleviate some stress for its students in need. 

This school is not the only school that hosts a program like this; they are just one example of the good that is out there and the love and concern for today’s youth. Thankfully, rooms like this seem to be on the rise as more and more schools become increasingly aware of the number of students whose physical needs are not being met. We know that when physical needs are met, other needs thrive too.

These programs and rooms are largely operated via donations and generosity from the public. Some schools work in connection with local food pantries and coalitions. Whatever the source of the necessities, it is heartwarming to see individuals and businesses share their resources to care for the youth in their communities. 

To find out if there are schools in your area that have programs or resources to combat food insecurity, contact your local food bank or local schools. 

Have You Heard About our #GoGreek Interviews?

An open letter to college freshman tips and advice

Over the last several months we’ve been interviewing members of sororities and fraternities and sharing their stories here on our blog. It can be fun and eye-opening to read different experiences of different organizations at different schools, whether you’re also involved in Greek life, considering Greek life, or just wanting to learn more about Greek life!

You can find each interview here, on our new page.

Phi Alpha Delta Spotlight

An open letter to college freshman tips and advice

Today we are doing a quick spotlight on Phi Alpha Delta, a prominent law fraternity. The foundation of their organization began in 1897 when the Law Student League was formed. The actual fraternity of Phi Alpha Delta wasn’t formed until 1902. 

Phi Alpha Delta is deeply rooted in service. Not only to one another, but they believe in service to,

The community, 

The Universe and

To all. 

Being a fraternity that focuses on law, they are constantly holding events for members centered around law, such as pre-law conferences, mock trials, leadership events, and more. These are great opportunities to network and get your foot in the door for any law internships or job opportunities. 

Phi Alpha Delta’s motto is, Philos Adelphos Dikaios – “Love of Humanity and Justice for All”

What If Your Sorority or Fraternity Isn’t For You Anymore?

rush week tips

So you made it through rush week and bid day, and now you’re all settled into your new sorority or fraternity. 

But, what if a few weeks, months, or even years go by and you don’t feel like your choice is a good fit anymore? The good news? You don’t have to stick around. The majority of the organizations out there are on your side, and if you realize it’s not for you anymore, they will support you. You may still have financial obligations per the contract signed, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay physically! 

A few tips to remember if this is something you are struggling with: 

Be honest with yourself. Really dig deep into your thoughts and feelings on the situation and honestly think about how you’re feeling about the whole situation. Do not just guilt yourself to stay because “someday it’ll get better” or “things might change.” 

There is no financial responsibility that is greater than your mental health. Leaving your sorority or fraternity may come with a financial burden of fees for leaving or still having to pay your yearly dues even though you’ve left. However, this should never be a reason to stay in a situation taking a toll on your mental or even physical health. If you’re having a hard time balancing everything and leaving your organization is what needs to happen, then it needs to happen. 

It could possibly disqualify you from joining another organization within the same school. By walking away from one fraternity or sorority, it could mean losing out on the opportunity to join another at the same school. However, if you’re transferring colleges altogether, you can often join a new organization at your new school. 

Be honest with your organization’s president throughout the process. It can be a good idea to confront your president about your worries, concerns, and problems early on. This could mean the difference between staying within your sorority/fraternity or leaving! It will also make it easier to carry out your leaving process if that’s what you ultimately decide to do, no one will feel blindsided. 

In the end, your happiness and overall well-being is the most important thing here. Make the best decision for you. 

Holiday Activities For Your Sorority

Earlier this week we published a post on holiday activities for your fraternity, but it only makes sense to include sororities too! Everything we mentioned in the fraternity post such as decorating and caroling is all great ideas, but here’s a few more for your back pocket. 

Nail Painting Night– for a chance for everyone to have festive nails for the holidays! 

Christmas Card Crafts 

Holiday Craft Night- A quick Pinterest search can bring up a long list of ideas for you and your sorority sisters to work on in an evening.  

Philanthropy fundraising- I know it was mentioned in the fraternity post, but I’m writing it again because it’s important! This time of the year can be so hard to make ends meet for everyone, so any extra fundraising that you can do is incredibly helpful. 

What activities does your sorority have planned for this month? 

Holiday Ideas For Your Fraternity

rush week tips

It’s officially the holiday season! And before everyone heads home for the holiday break, it’s important to bring in some Christmas cheer to your fraternity organization! Here are a few fun ways to incorporate it into your house. 

Decorate- I know it seems like a simple one, but walking into a house with a Christmas tree and garland around the banister is sure to lighten anyone’s mood and remind them of the great season we are in right now. Especially during finals week! 

Go Caroling- There are plenty of other college students that would love some holiday cheer from a fraternity showing up on their doorstep singing some Christmas tunes! Even if it’s not all in tune! 

Fundraise for your philanthropy- Through the winter can be some of the toughest times to have everyone’s needs met. Consider some type of fundraiser to help your philanthropy through these hard times. 

Holiday activities- They don’t have to be every single day, but it can be a great idea to have your activities committee plan a few things here and there with all of the members to have a quick break from studying and enjoy time together. 

Christmas Countdown Chain- Or maybe a finals week countdown chain? Either way, it’s something to look forward to and can bring a lot of hope and cheer during a stressful time! 

What activities is your fraternity participating in this holiday season? 

#GoGreek Interview: Samantha Jennings Willan

#gogreek interview kappa beta gamma

Welcome to our #GoGreek series! This blog series focuses on interviewing past and present members of sororities and fraternities. We are able to learn more about their experiences and ask them questions to help others learn more about the Greek world, bust stigmas, and find out if Greek life is right for you. 

Today we are interviewing Samantha Jennings Willan from Kappa Beta Gamma at Humber College located in Ontario, Canada. 

Samantha chose the organization that she did because KBG is a non-panhel international sorority, so she’s been able to make friends all over Canada and the United States, and their philanthropy was something she really connected with. She was also drawn to Greek life because of the community it creates. 

What was your philanthropy and what effect did serving this philanthropy have on your life?

“Our philanthropy is the Special Olympics. I love being able to come out, support the community and give back! The Special Olympics is such a positive organization and each year I still participate in their fundraising events.”

If you could go back, would there be anything you would change about your experience?

“I’d honestly just soak up every moment more! You don’t realize when you’re in it but those are the memories you’re going to cherish and hold onto. I would go on each sisterhood trip, every retreat, etc!”

How has your experience helped or shaped your life beyond college?

“Each sister has made me want to be the best version of myself and I am so grateful for that! These are lifelong connections and it doesn’t just end after 4 years. You’re sisters for life. You always have someone to lean on, talk to, grab coffee with. It’s made me become more confident!”

Samantha’s advice for someone looking into Greek life is to just go for it! Jump right in and enjoy it, it will help you get out of your shell and grow as a person if you do.