Fast finishers. Every classroom has them, and every teacher should have something for them to do when they do finish quickly. Let’s dive into some of the whys behind fast finishers and discover some ideas teachers can use to keep these students from getting bored, causing disruptions, or wasting time.
For some students, finishing quickly happens because the material comes easily to them, and they are able to get through the work faster than their peers. Other students finish early because they may have lost motivation to care about their work or are bored with it, so they rush through it, not moving slowly enough to check if their responses are correct. Other students may find the material to be difficult, and rather than asking for help, they answer questions quickly in hopes of not getting frustrated or embarrassed.
Whatever the reason, teachers need to have a plan in place for these students. For the students who finish quickly because they truly do know the material, it might be a good idea to have them help a student who is struggling with the assignment. This is a great option for students who are advanced. It can give them a chance to feel important and will give them a special role in the classroom. On the flip side, for the struggling student, having a peer help them has the potential to help them understand the material better, as the advanced student may have a unique way of “teaching” that may make more sense to the struggling learner.
Other ideas for fast finishers who understand the material include silent reading time, word searches or crosswords, drawing or coloring, or, for secondary students, maybe a little time to work on an assignment for another class. I always found it helpful to have a place in my classroom that contained extra “fun” worksheets or activities for my fast finishers to do.
For the students who are finishing early because they simply don’t care if they do the assignment correctly, have them go back through their work and check their answers. Sit next to them, if possible, to help keep them on track.
Students who turn work in early because they truly are struggling might need a little extra coaching. If possible, sit next to this student and help them through a couple of questions. Allow them to use their notes. Pair them up with a student who does know the material and have that student help their peer.
Any teacher knows that fast finishers are a blessing and a curse to a classroom. If some students get bored because they are done with their work, they turn to bugging classmates who are still working, causing other disruptions, or wasting their time. Rather than having to deal with disruptive behaviors, it’s best that a teacher have some activities ready and on hand for those students who need a little bit of a time filler. Being prepared with these kinds of activities will be a big help when you’re faced with a fast finisher. You won’t regret being prepared!