Dear Teachers,
I see you. I know your job isn’t easy. You’ve got a million things on your plate. I see those late nights spent planning the perfect unit and lesson. I see the stacks of papers that need to be graded and the list of grades that need to be entered. I know your email inbox has emails– both good and not so good– from parents and admin. You’ve got to juggle students with 504 plans and IEPs and find ways to challenge your gifted students. I know you’ve got that one student (maybe more) in your class that just can’t sit still and is constantly causing disruptions. By the time school is over, you’re tired of redirecting, repeating yourself, and helping students find their lost pencils (again). I know your feet ache by the end of the day from standing and walking around all day long. I know your voice is tired. I see you, simultaneously teaching the current lesson while mentally worrying about and planning the next several days. I know the PLC meetings, staff meetings, trainings, IEP meetings, and district development days are draining and time consuming, especially when you have a ton of other stuff you need to get done. I see you, taking time after class to straighten desks, pick up trash, and prep for the next day. I see you rushing to cram a bathroom break, lunch, and a minute to breathe into your 30 minute lunch period. I see you showing up to work sick because sometimes it’s just more work to prepare sub plans. I see you making hard discipline decisions. I see you trying to figure out seating charts because you know that those certain few students can’t be anywhere near each other without causing complete mayhem. I see you, and I see all the hard, tricky, not-so-fun parts of your job.
But you know what? I also see the amazing things you’re doing and the really cool parts of your job. I see you taking your own personal time to plan and grade because you care about what your students are learning, and you want them to be engaged. The hard work you put into accommodating students with various needs shows how much you want your students to succeed. I see you taking time to help the one student who is struggling to understand the content. I see you helping them to grasp concepts. I see the smile on your face when you see the lightbulb go on for a student. I see you showing up, day after day, even when you don’t feel like it. I hear you saying kind and encouraging things to your students. I hear students in the halls talking about how much they love your class and how amazing of a teacher you are. I see those emails from parents thanking you for all you do. I see you worrying about your students because you care about them and love them. I watch as you head down to the counseling office because a student has turned in a writing assignment telling you about how they are neglected or abused at home. I see you helping a student get the resources they need when they tell you their family doesn’t have money for food or clothes. When a student has a hard day, I see you taking a minute to encourage them and lift them up. I see you attending games, plays, and concerts after school hours to support your students and their interests. I see you taking a genuine interest in your students and really getting to know them. I see as you celebrate the wins and mourn the losses with your students. They know you care. They know you are a trusted adult, and I see students come to you for help when they don’t have anyone else to listen to them. I hear the laughter coming from your classroom as you share a story or joke you know they’ll love. I hear you cheering them on as they learn, grow, make mistakes, and do their best.
I know the days are long, and some days are really, really hard. But I see you, and I know you’re doing a fantastic job. The youth of today will build a better tomorrow because of the influence you have had on their lives. Thank you for your love, your dedication, and passion.
Someone who has been in your shoes