Ice Skating and the Classroom: More Similar Than You Think

Last week, I accompanied a large group of teenagers on an activity to go ice skating. They ranged in age from 11 to 17 years old. As I sat on the bench watching them and other patrons go around the rink, I noticed the wide variety of skill levels present. There were people clinging to the walls, barely staying upright, while others were effortlessly executing double axels and Biellmann spins in the center of the rink. As I seem to do with many situations I find myself in, I couldn’t help but think about how these varying levels of skill compared to the kinds of students we encounter in our classrooms. 

First, we’ve got the quiet achiever. These are the kids who are in the center of the rink, performing all kinds of cool tricks and moves. But the neat thing about these kids is that they aren’t doing it for show. They aren’t trying to impress other skaters or show off and brag. They are confident in their abilities to do what they know how to do, so they carry on, performing to the best of their ability, and constantly pushing themselves to learn new things and improve on what they already do know.

Next, we have the loud and proud skaters. These kids are the life of the party. They think they know how to do really impressive tricks, and they want everyone to know it. They draw attention to themselves. They might be in the center of the rink doing tricks, but they typically aren’t very humble about it, and they most certainly are trying to impress those around them. These students can be a lot of fun in class, but also know how to sometimes push it a little too far.

There’s also the easy gliders. I think this is where the majority of students are. These are the ones who are skating along, doing what they need to do to keep upright and moving, occasionally falling, but always getting right back up and continuing on. They will sometimes do a little extra trick or try to learn something new to perform. These kids are usually pretty well mannered and responsible with their tasks. 

Then we’ve got the kids who are gliding along the rink, doing only what they need to do to remain upright. They don’t like to do extra tricks, they don’t like to go out of their way to learn new things, and they seem to perpetually just go around and around, doing the minimum effort required to keep moving forward. 

Lastly, there are the kids, who, despite trying, are literally clinging to the walls, with legs flailing and skates slipping, barely staying upright. They are desperately trying to get the hang of skating, but just can’t seem to. They listen to more experienced skaters who give them pointers and advice, but for whatever reason, they still seem to struggle getting it. These kids are doing their best to try, and will cling to any amount of success they have– as they should!

Did certain students come to mind as you read about these different kinds of ice skaters? I can’t imagine a classroom full of students who all shared the exact same personality traits and learning styles. I mean, think about it— a room full of quiet introverts would generate some very awkward silences and lonnnnggg class periods. On the other hand, a room full of extroverted class clowns would lead to little getting accomplished and lots of exhaustion for the teacher. The point is, is that we need a range of personality types and learning styles to enrich our classrooms. Without that variety, I imagine our jobs wouldn’t be nearly as fun as they are with it. How do you celebrate these differences in your classroom?

Dear Teachers

Dear Teachers,

I see you. I know your job isn’t easy. You’ve got a million things on your plate. I see those late nights spent planning the perfect unit and lesson. I see the stacks of papers that need to be graded and the list of grades that need to be entered. I know your email inbox has emails– both good and not so good– from parents and admin. You’ve got to juggle students with 504 plans and IEPs and find ways to challenge your gifted students. I know you’ve got that one student (maybe more) in your class that just can’t sit still and is constantly causing disruptions. By the time school is over, you’re tired of redirecting, repeating yourself, and helping students find their lost pencils (again). I know your feet ache by the end of the day from standing and walking around all day long. I know your voice is tired. I see you, simultaneously teaching the current lesson while mentally worrying about and planning the next several days. I know the PLC meetings, staff meetings, trainings, IEP meetings, and district development days are draining and time consuming, especially when you have a ton of other stuff you need to get done. I see you, taking time after class to straighten desks, pick up trash, and prep for the next day. I see you rushing to cram a bathroom break, lunch, and a minute to breathe into your 30 minute lunch period. I see you showing up to work sick because sometimes it’s just more work to prepare sub plans. I see you making hard discipline decisions. I see you trying to figure out seating charts because you know that those certain few students can’t be anywhere near each other without causing complete mayhem. I see you, and I see all the hard, tricky, not-so-fun parts of your job. 

But you know what? I also see the amazing things you’re doing and the really cool parts of your job. I see you taking your own personal time to plan and grade because you care about what your students are learning, and you want them to be engaged. The hard work you put into accommodating students with various needs shows how much you want your students to succeed. I see you taking time to help the one student who is struggling to understand the content. I see you helping them to grasp concepts. I see the smile on your face when you see the lightbulb go on for a student. I see you showing up, day after day, even when you don’t feel like it. I hear you saying kind and encouraging things to your students. I hear students in the halls talking about how much they love your class and how amazing of a teacher you are. I see those emails from parents thanking you for all you do. I see you worrying about your students because you care about them and love them. I watch as you head down to the counseling office because a student has turned in a writing assignment telling you about how they are neglected or abused at home. I see you helping a student get the resources they need when they tell you their family doesn’t have money for food or clothes. When a student has a hard day, I see you taking a minute to encourage them and lift them up. I see you attending games, plays, and concerts after school hours to support your students and their interests. I see you taking a genuine interest in your students and really getting to know them. I see as you celebrate the wins and mourn the losses with your students. They know you care. They know you are a trusted adult, and I see students come to you for help when they don’t have anyone else to listen to them. I hear the laughter coming from your classroom as you share a story or joke you know they’ll love. I hear you cheering them on as they learn, grow, make mistakes, and do their best. 

I know the days are long, and some days are really, really hard. But I see you, and I know you’re doing a fantastic job. The youth of today will build a better tomorrow because of the influence you have had on their lives. Thank you for your love, your dedication, and passion. 


Someone who has been in your shoes

Are Our Students Really The Lost Generation?

There’s a lot of buzz going around our communities about the “lost generation” of students. Everyone talks about this group of students currently in school, whether that be elementary school, high school, college, or graduate school students as if they are getting lesser of an education. 

The stance is that since learning is taking place over video calls, sometimes half in-person and half virtual. Each day protocol is changing and sometimes students don’t even know if they are supposed to be physically in their school or if they need to open up their laptop and log into online learning for the day. Because of this, they aren’t gaining the knowledge and education that everyone else has been offered up until this point, therefore, we will have a generation of incompetent beings running our world.

But what if they aren’t the lost generation? What if these students are exactly what our future needs? 


Able to work well with technology. 

Figuring out how to learn virtually when they do better in-person. 

Personal skills to work with new teachers as needed. 

Ability to use multiple platforms of learning for multiple subjects in school.

Our society is correct, these students aren’t obtaining the same education we did, but I would argue that they are receiving a better education. They are put through more changes and learning platforms than we could ever imagine as students. 

Teaching and learning during a pandemic are hard, it’s a level of hard that no one can understand unless they are there in the moment doing it. But our teachers and students are working harder than ever to continue on the education system, and they should be commended for that! 

Let’s stop calling them the lost generation and start recognizing that they may just be the generation our world needs someday. 

An Open Letter To The Students Of 2020

Dear Students of 2020, 

Here you are! You are stepping into a world where no one has gone before. You are attempting to continue your education during a global pandemic. Someday your kids and grandkids are going to read about you in history books. 

They are going to read about your Chromebooks and iPads sent home to you from your schools for virtual learning. 

The face mask mandates in the districts and the creative face shields to replace masks.

They are going to see pictures of desks 6 feet apart and hanging sheets of clear plastic hung strategically throughout the school. 

Books and articles will talk about hybrid learning at home part-time, and at school for the rest of the time. 

It will highlight the stress of teachers, parents, and the stress of you as the student. 

You are being asked to learn on platforms that are still developing instead of classrooms that have been established for centuries. 

We are asking you to rise up and take a step into the darkness. The darkness of the unknown for our future. The unknown of when “normal” school full of chatting friends sitting nearby, tag at recess, and less than 6 feet apart for group work, will resume. 

It’s hard, and it’s scary, and you are the pioneers for this. Your feedback on Zoom meetings, Google Classroom assignments, and in-person lectures with adapted seating will drive our school system to success as teachers, administration, and parents navigate and troubleshoot this new layout of education. 

To the students of the 2020-2021 school year, our future is in your hands more than it has ever been in student’s hands before. And we trust you. Together, we can make it through and create a better world for those to come. 

You’ve got this. 

A Letter To The 2020 Graduates- Pt. 2

Recently I wrote An Open Letter To The Graduating Class of 2020 and for how well it was received by graduates, I knew it needed a part two. Although, this time I’m going about it a bit different. 

I asked around for what advice others would give and brought them all here. So instead of hearing from one person, we can read the responses of multiple, and even some who are graduates themselves. Here’s what they have to say. 

“It is okay to mourn this. It sucks for sure.”

“You will be better because of this. It will teach you to appreciate everything that is to come. And honestly, the best is yet to come. You guys have so many great things about ahead. The classic line of “the best is yet to come” is so true!”

“Life sucks sometimes. Be happy anyway. Congratulations, we are proud of you!!” 

“I understand what you’re going through. Part of you puts on a happy, optimistic face and say “it’s okay there’s life after high school” “at least we’re at home and get to sleep in” etc. but all you want is a traditional graduation, your senior sunset, bbq, slideshow, sob, and all-nighter. You don’t get to take pictures on the front lawn with your favorite teachers and friends after graduation in your cap and gown.”

“You’re a part of history and we are proud of you!”

“The lack of celebration doesn’t diminish your effort, you still did it!”

“We, seniors, are keeping a happy face on and trying to stay positive, which generally is true! It just doesn’t feel fair when your family/parents/school doesn’t try to make up for it. Bigger and better things are coming!! But it’s okay to want what feels important and deserving now. And no matter how much you want to have what you’ve worked for, it’ll be made up to you at some point in your life! We’ve got this class of 2020!”

“No one else has ever experienced this! It is unique to the class of 2020.” 

“Your life is just starting. This isn’t the end.” 

“We’re proud of you. You get your diploma either way. Your degree means the same, either way.” 

“Congratulations on reaching a major milestone in your life! This year has been so much different than anyone could ever have expected. While you may not get a traditional graduation experience, you definitely are part of a historic event. The graduates of 2020 will always be remembered for the unique situation they faced. Life is always full of challenges, but also opportunities. We are so excited for you and the opportunities you now have. We can’t wait to see you continue your successful life.”

You did it, and you deserve the recognition for that. It sucks that this is the timing, but how many other people can say that they’ve been a huge part of history like you? Congratulations, you did it! 

Tips For High School Graduates- Congrats Class Of 2020!

Hey, high school seniors! It’s graduation season! That means you just successfully made it through more or less twelve years of schooling, that’s incredible! While graduation is exciting, it can also be so daunting. Pestered with questions of, “Where are you going next?” and, “What career are you going to have when you graduate?” fill your time. Let me give you some tips that can help you get through this transitional time in your life. These tips are both from me and trusted friends of mine. 

  1. You’re only 18 years old, you don’t need a concrete plan for the rest of your life. This is a great time to explore options and see where you want life to take you, so take that time! 
  2. The options for after graduation are endless, take your time to break each down and decide what you really want to do. 
  3. Listen to the experience from others to help you decide where you’re going and what you’re doing. 
  4. Find a way to serve. The best way to be in tune with yourself and what you need is to forget yourself- really! Find some way in your community that you can serve and reach out, especially if it’s in a field of work you hope to pursue. It may lead you down a path you never knew you wanted to go down as well! 
  5. Let others share the excitement with you. I know during a global pandemic it can be hard to find a way to get together with close family and friends to celebrate your achievement, but great creative! Drive-up parties are popular right now where friends and family drive up, stay in their car, and talk to you from a safe distance. Once they are done, they pull away and the next car drives up. 
  6. Read this post about an open letter to the graduating class of 2020. 

Happy graduation! You did it! 

Tips On Choosing Your College Major

Hey seniors! College is coming, and one of the many decisions you are about to make is what your major will be. It’s daunting to choose a path that can determine the rest of your life. Here’s hoping that after reading this, the decision will be slightly easier for you. Here are some of my favorite tips from myself and other trusted sources on how to choose a college major. 

  1. Know your personality type. I am a big advocate for Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and how it can help you be successful in your life. Knowing this can help you with the direction in your college path and eventually where your career will end up. You can read about it here or take the test to find your personality here. You can even read about your personality type in the workplace and common careers among that MBTI in the description of each type. 
  2. Decide what degree of education you want to obtain. You can stop at an associate’s degree, or continue on to a doctorate. How far you take your education can help you decide which major to choose. 
  3. Don’t stress over choosing one right away. Some people know what they want their major to be by 8th grade. Others it takes until their Sophomore or Junior year of college before they know. It’s all in your own timing. Take a variety of classes if you don’t know right away. Most importantly, remember that this is the time in your life where not having a direct plan or having an opportunity to explore is okay and even encouraged. Take advantage of that! 
  4. Truly consider your school choice when choosing a college major. Schools are known for and will put more funding into certain majors that they are known well for. 
  5. Know that it’s okay to change your mind. On average, the majority of college students will change their major at least once before graduation. 

What helped you choose your major in college?