Last week, I accompanied a large group of teenagers on an activity to go ice skating. They ranged in age from 11 to 17 years old. As I sat on the bench watching them and other patrons go around the rink, I noticed the wide variety of skill levels present. There were people clinging to the walls, barely staying upright, while others were effortlessly executing double axels and Biellmann spins in the center of the rink. As I seem to do with many situations I find myself in, I couldn’t help but think about how these varying levels of skill compared to the kinds of students we encounter in our classrooms.
First, we’ve got the quiet achiever. These are the kids who are in the center of the rink, performing all kinds of cool tricks and moves. But the neat thing about these kids is that they aren’t doing it for show. They aren’t trying to impress other skaters or show off and brag. They are confident in their abilities to do what they know how to do, so they carry on, performing to the best of their ability, and constantly pushing themselves to learn new things and improve on what they already do know.
Next, we have the loud and proud skaters. These kids are the life of the party. They think they know how to do really impressive tricks, and they want everyone to know it. They draw attention to themselves. They might be in the center of the rink doing tricks, but they typically aren’t very humble about it, and they most certainly are trying to impress those around them. These students can be a lot of fun in class, but also know how to sometimes push it a little too far.
There’s also the easy gliders. I think this is where the majority of students are. These are the ones who are skating along, doing what they need to do to keep upright and moving, occasionally falling, but always getting right back up and continuing on. They will sometimes do a little extra trick or try to learn something new to perform. These kids are usually pretty well mannered and responsible with their tasks.
Then we’ve got the kids who are gliding along the rink, doing only what they need to do to remain upright. They don’t like to do extra tricks, they don’t like to go out of their way to learn new things, and they seem to perpetually just go around and around, doing the minimum effort required to keep moving forward.
Lastly, there are the kids, who, despite trying, are literally clinging to the walls, with legs flailing and skates slipping, barely staying upright. They are desperately trying to get the hang of skating, but just can’t seem to. They listen to more experienced skaters who give them pointers and advice, but for whatever reason, they still seem to struggle getting it. These kids are doing their best to try, and will cling to any amount of success they have– as they should!
Did certain students come to mind as you read about these different kinds of ice skaters? I can’t imagine a classroom full of students who all shared the exact same personality traits and learning styles. I mean, think about it— a room full of quiet introverts would generate some very awkward silences and lonnnnggg class periods. On the other hand, a room full of extroverted class clowns would lead to little getting accomplished and lots of exhaustion for the teacher. The point is, is that we need a range of personality types and learning styles to enrich our classrooms. Without that variety, I imagine our jobs wouldn’t be nearly as fun as they are with it. How do you celebrate these differences in your classroom?