Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King in the Classroom

With Martin Luther King, Jr. Day approaching, I thought it would be a good time to provide you with a few ideas you can use in your classroom to help your students understand and honor the life and impact of Dr. King. These ideas can be used and adapted for all ages and grades.

Watch the video of Dr. King giving his famous “I have a dream” speech

Sometimes hearing and seeing an event take place can make a greater impact than just talking about it. For younger students, have them listen to and watch the speech and listen for the things Dr. King hoped for. 

For older students, have them watch the speech, then provide them with a physical copy of it. Put them into small groups and have them do a close reading of the speech and discussing what makes this speech so powerful.

You can find the speech here.

Have students create their own “I have a dream” piece

This activity can be presented many ways. Students can create their own speech about their hopes and dreams. You can also have students create a “dream board” where they make a collage of pictures and words showing their dreams. You might also have students write a poem about the things they hope for.

Talk about what “the content of their character” means

Together as a class, brainstorm positive characteristics of people they know. Talk about what character is and how it can shape who you are. Then, have students write (length will depend on age and ability) about the content of their own character and what they hope to be remembered and known for. 

This gives students a great opportunity to analyze what makes a good person and reflect on their own characters. It provides an excellent text-to-self connection.

Create a timeline of the life of Dr. King

Have students— either in groups of individually— create a timeline of events in the life of Dr. King. Have them use the internet to gather pictures and information to create their timelines. 

This activity provides students a chance to research, learn, then practice putting things in chronological order.

Talk about bravery and courage

Dr. King was incredibly brave and courageous for doing the things he did. Talk with students about times they have had to be brave. Discuss what it means to have courage. Have them write about their own experiences with bravery and courage.

Discuss equality vs. equity/fairness

Many students don’t understand the difference between equality and equity. Take the opportunity to teach them the difference and why it matters. The discussion opens up a world of possibilities in talking about how we should treat people and how people need different things to succeed based on their own personal circumstances. Students can create a piece of art or writing showing their knowledge and understanding of these concepts.

Research famous quotes by Dr. King

Have students research famous things Dr. King said. Let them pick their favorite, then have them write it out and create a piece of art around the quote. Encourage them to match their art to the feeling of the quote. 

Plan a day of service

Dr. King was a big proponent of service and believed that everyone could serve. To honor this legacy, plan a day of service with your students. If possible, plan and execute a large scale service project together. If not, encourage students to find smaller ways to serve and help those around them. Service is something that benefits both the server and the served. It provides students with an incredible chance to look outside themselves and see others in a different light. 

However you choose to, I hope you take a minute to at least talk about and acknowledge the impact that Dr. King had and continues to have on our world. His legacy is one to not be forgotten, and it’s important that we continue to teach the rising generation that everyone matters and everyone has a voice.

Dear Teachers

Dear Teachers,

I see you. I know your job isn’t easy. You’ve got a million things on your plate. I see those late nights spent planning the perfect unit and lesson. I see the stacks of papers that need to be graded and the list of grades that need to be entered. I know your email inbox has emails– both good and not so good– from parents and admin. You’ve got to juggle students with 504 plans and IEPs and find ways to challenge your gifted students. I know you’ve got that one student (maybe more) in your class that just can’t sit still and is constantly causing disruptions. By the time school is over, you’re tired of redirecting, repeating yourself, and helping students find their lost pencils (again). I know your feet ache by the end of the day from standing and walking around all day long. I know your voice is tired. I see you, simultaneously teaching the current lesson while mentally worrying about and planning the next several days. I know the PLC meetings, staff meetings, trainings, IEP meetings, and district development days are draining and time consuming, especially when you have a ton of other stuff you need to get done. I see you, taking time after class to straighten desks, pick up trash, and prep for the next day. I see you rushing to cram a bathroom break, lunch, and a minute to breathe into your 30 minute lunch period. I see you showing up to work sick because sometimes it’s just more work to prepare sub plans. I see you making hard discipline decisions. I see you trying to figure out seating charts because you know that those certain few students can’t be anywhere near each other without causing complete mayhem. I see you, and I see all the hard, tricky, not-so-fun parts of your job. 

But you know what? I also see the amazing things you’re doing and the really cool parts of your job. I see you taking your own personal time to plan and grade because you care about what your students are learning, and you want them to be engaged. The hard work you put into accommodating students with various needs shows how much you want your students to succeed. I see you taking time to help the one student who is struggling to understand the content. I see you helping them to grasp concepts. I see the smile on your face when you see the lightbulb go on for a student. I see you showing up, day after day, even when you don’t feel like it. I hear you saying kind and encouraging things to your students. I hear students in the halls talking about how much they love your class and how amazing of a teacher you are. I see those emails from parents thanking you for all you do. I see you worrying about your students because you care about them and love them. I watch as you head down to the counseling office because a student has turned in a writing assignment telling you about how they are neglected or abused at home. I see you helping a student get the resources they need when they tell you their family doesn’t have money for food or clothes. When a student has a hard day, I see you taking a minute to encourage them and lift them up. I see you attending games, plays, and concerts after school hours to support your students and their interests. I see you taking a genuine interest in your students and really getting to know them. I see as you celebrate the wins and mourn the losses with your students. They know you care. They know you are a trusted adult, and I see students come to you for help when they don’t have anyone else to listen to them. I hear the laughter coming from your classroom as you share a story or joke you know they’ll love. I hear you cheering them on as they learn, grow, make mistakes, and do their best. 

I know the days are long, and some days are really, really hard. But I see you, and I know you’re doing a fantastic job. The youth of today will build a better tomorrow because of the influence you have had on their lives. Thank you for your love, your dedication, and passion. 


Someone who has been in your shoes

A Time For Reflection

As we wrap up another year (how is 2024 almost over?!), it’s a good time for reflection on the past year and pondering on the year to come. I’ve never been much of a “New Year’s Resolutions” kind of person. I tend to make goals and adjust as I’m going along and see a need. I do, however, like to reflect on the year as it comes to an end and think about the highs and lows and everything I have learned as the year passed. As educators, reflection is a useful tool and can be used to propel us to be better teachers. 

There are so many facets to teaching, which provides much to reflect upon. As you think back on this past year, perhaps you will think about any or all of the following, among other things: classroom management, what went well and what didn’t, funny things students have done or said, and relationships with your students and coworkers. 

Classroom Management

Classroom management is one of the things I was constantly reflecting on and adjusting. What worked for one class didn’t work for another. What worked for one student didn’t work for the rest of the class. There was always room for improvement. One thing I always found when I’d reflect on my classroom management was that consistency was key. If I wasn’t consistent in my management techniques, I found that my classes were more difficult to manage. If students don’t know what to expect, they will try all sorts of shenanigans to see how far they can push things. And, as any teacher knows, that’s usually not a good thing. 

What Went Well And What Didn’t

Another great area for reflection is to think about what went well and what didn’t go as well over the year. Maybe it’s a particular lesson or unit that went incredibly well and you can’t wait to teach it again. Or, on the other hand, maybe you had a lesson or unit go terribly wrong and you find the need to adjust and rewrite your plan. Perhaps you had a classroom management technique work better than you anticipated, or maybe you had one that completely flopped. Think about some of your best interactions with students and make a mental note of what you did that worked well so that you can repeat that another time. Or, if you had an interaction that didn’t go as smoothly as you’d have liked, make a mental note of what didn’t go well and how you can do better next time. Whatever the case may be, there’s likely a million and one things that you can think of that went well or didn’t go so well in your classroom.

Funny Things Said or Done by Students

I don’t think there was a day that went by that my students didn’t make me laugh. They were always doing or saying things that made me chuckle. You know what I’m talking about— those moments that you know could write a book with or that you couldn’t wait to tell your coworker about at lunch time. Laughter in the classroom is not only a nice break in the day, but is, in my opinion, necessary for a positive classroom environment. After all, it’s said that laughter is the best medicine, and I think any teacher would agree with that! Reflecting on those funny moments can help give you the motivation to keep going in the midst of a difficult year and can help boost your mood on any given day!

Relationships With Students and Coworkers

Positive relationships with your students and coworkers are essential for a happy work life. I can’t imagine having to go to a job where you despise the people you work with; it sounds absolutely miserable. Taking the time to reflect on these relationships is an excellent opportunity to think about what is going well and what areas could use some improvement. In thinking back to the interactions you’ve had with the people you work with, perhaps you will think about what you do that fosters positive relationships. Maybe it’s your genuine concern and care for others. Perhaps it is that you are able to connect with others through humor. Or, it could be that you connect with people over their interests. If things aren’t going quite as well, maybe it’s a good time to reflect on how things could be better. Is it possible you need to focus more on others’ interests and needs so that you can better connect with them? Perhaps you will find that you need to slow down and really take the time to be kinder and more patient. Whatever it may be, I’m sure we could all take a minute to reflect on how we interact with and treat those we work with. 

For teachers, the new year comes at the middle of the school year. Mid school year reflection provides educators with a good opportunity to make immediate adjustments to things they see need improvement. End of school year reflection is obviously wonderful, too, but mid year reflection offers the chance for educators to think about what they can do better, then implement those ideas immediately with their current class(es). It provides an excellent opportunity for teachers to improve and be their best selves. And let’s be honest: we can all improve!

Happy New Year, friends! I hope you find a quiet minute to reflect on your year. Thanks for being here, and I hope the coming year brings wonderful things your way!

Building Confident Learners

“This is too hard! I can’t do it. I”m giving up!” How many times as an educator (or parent) have you heard those words? I’m not sure I could count the number of times I heard my students say things like that. To be honest, I know I’ve said those things to myself as an adult more than I probably should have. Sometimes things are hard and sometimes students do feel like giving up. I think a lot of times, it comes down to confidence, and I think there are many students who are still working on building their confidence. So what do you do when you have a student who needs a little confidence boost? 

Positive reinforcement is a huge factor in building confidence. People love to know when they’ve done something well. Even as adults, receiving validation is so satisfying. When students are younger, we often have to use extrinsic motivators to get students to do their work. Once they have the motivation, and they successfully complete a task, their confidence begins to build. Receiving positive feedback fosters a sense of pride. Knowing they did something well or correctly gives students a feeling of success. As a teacher, I always tried to give at least two positive bits of feedback for every negative or corrective bit of feedback. Letting students know they are doing well in something provides them with the confidence to keep going and to keep trying new things.

Students who lack confidence often benefit from a chance to lead. When given an opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills, it provides them a chance to feel like what they can do and what they know is valuable, and that their efforts are important. Not only does the student who is leading benefit, but those that are learning from that student can also benefit. It should be noted that for students who are shy, asking them to lead or teach can be terrifying. While it is our job as a teacher to push students and help them grow, we should never put a student in a situation where they are feeling unsafe. If a student is hesitant about leading a whole class or large group, try having them lead a smaller group. 

Pushing students to solve problems and think through things is another great way to foster confidence. When a student successfully figures out how to solve a problem, they gain so much confidence in themselves. This is especially the case when they have to really work to figure it out, sometimes even failing a couple of times. Encouraging students to keep pushing through, even when they fail, is crucial. Giving them praise, little nudges in the right direction, and acknowledgement can go a long way in building confident learners. One of my kids is an innate problem solver. He loves finding solutions to things and loves working through problems. I’ve watched him time after time trying to solve problems he is faced with. He almost always has to start over a few times until he gets it right, but when he does, he is beaming with pride! He feels so confident in his abilities once he can see that his hard work paid off. It’s good to let students struggle through things. It really gives them a chance to get their brains working. It’s important for them to also know that sometimes we have to ask for help, and sometimes we need to take a break and come back to a problem with fresh eyes and a clear mind. 

Building confident learners is such an important part of a teacher’s job. Students need to know that they are capable of doing so many things. Confidence will help students feel successful, will empower them, and will fill them with a sense of pride that can’t come any other way. Knowing you are capable of doing hard things is something that every student should know. 

Do Kids Need Mental Health Breaks Too?

My second grader woke up today and decided school was just not in his plans for the day. No amount of reasoning, talking to/with, bribing, or explaining could convince him to go. Not even my husband, who can usually reason with him, could convince him to go. He’s our most social kid, who loves to learn, loves his teacher, and loves to be with his friends, so we knew something was going on. When I finally got him to talk to me about why he didn’t want to go, he admitted, “I just feel sad for some reason. I don’t know why. I just feel sad today.” And so here we are, having a mental health day, allowing him to process and feel his feelings.

I think that sometimes, as adults, we assume that kids don’t feel as deeply as we do. But the reality of it is, is that they do feel deeply, and some days, those feelings are just too big. Don’t we as adults have those kind of days? And aren’t we as adults allowed to take a sick day for a mental health break? So why shouldn’t kids be allowed the same?

Anyone, of any age, can benefit from a mental health day every now and then. Sometimes, our mind just needs a break to get back on track. I realize there are some days we have to just push through, and there are days our kids have to just push through. But if the circumstances allow, a mental health day can be extremely helpful. 

Some might argue that missing any amount of school will lead to a student falling behind. While it is true that there will be work to make up, one missed day here and there likely won’t be detrimental to the student’s overall success. Another point to consider with this argument is that students who are mentally overloaded are likely to tune things out or lose interest and therefore not perform at full capacity. 

Others may say that allowing students to miss school for mental health will teach kids that they don’t have to do hard things. I do agree that students need to learn how to do hard things, because life is just that way. Sometimes we simply have to do the things we don’t want to do. However, allowing a student to take a day off to tend to their mental health sends a message that taking care of our minds is just as crucial as taking care of our bodies. It helps kids see that mental health matters, because it does. 

Mental health is talked about more today than ever before. When we realize that it isn’t just adults who struggle with mental health problems, our eyes are opened and we become more sensitive to the rising generation and their mental health concerns. Because they matter. Their health— physical and mental— matters. It’s our job as adults to teach our kids and our students helpful techniques to handle challenges when they arise. Giving them effective tools to manage their feelings can greatly help them now and in the future.

Dear Students,

You’re walking through my doors for the start of the school year soon. You’re not the same kid you were a few months ago when you left for summer break. You’re bigger, stronger, and smarter. 

I know you may feel so small and not ready to be in this classroom, but let me tell you- you are needed here. You have a place, a desk, a seat in here. And you are more than ready to start this school year in this classroom. 

This year you’ll make new friends, meet new teachers, and explore the walls of not only our classroom but our school. You are here to make your mark and take up space, and I cannot wait to see how your school year unfolds! 

I am excited to meet you and get to know you and your heart. I cannot wait to learn more about you, what your favorites are, and how your mind learns. 

This school year we’ll not only build a classroom, but we’ll also build a family. And you are an important part of our classroom family. 

I can’t wait to see you. 


Your Teacher ❤️

New Logo, Who Dis?

The time has come to unveil the new branding for our scholarship! As I stepped into the role of scholarship chair and content writer, I began noticing some variations in the way that those who came before me referred to the scholarship. The original name for our scholarship was the Design A Better Future scholarship (which I’m assuming came from the fact that the projects needs to be based on the design thinking cycle). But as the years went on, it also started being referred to as the Build A Better future scholarship and both titles started being used interchangeably.

In order to *hopefully* limit future confusion, I decided to update the scholarship logo and declare one title to be the official title from now on. The HGU scholarship will henceforth be known as the Build A Better Future scholarship. I felt as though using the verb “design” was too passive and wasn’t giving our applicants enough credit. Yes, they are using the design thinking cycle but they are also going above and beyond to bring their designs to life.

design a better future scholarship high school seniors

In addition to updating the logo and title, the website has been updated with all the information needed for our 2023 scholarship! I look forward to seeing how the next group of applicants works on building a better future for their communities. If you or anyone you know is a high school senior that will be graduating in 2023, you can find more information regarding the scholarship here and here. Please email scholarship@honorsgraduation.com with any questions. Good luck!