This is part of a series of inquiry-based provocations for essential elements of the PYP. For more, click here.
The big picture framework for the PYP “Where We Are in Place & Time” unit is intended to help students explore:
- our orientation in place and time
- our personal histories
- the discoveries, explorations, and migrations of humankind
This morning, the School of Life Youtube channel shared their video, “Why You Can Change the World.” It also contains why so many people feel they cannot. I find this to be a resource that has great potential to help students consider their personal impact on the world’s progress, along with inquiries into the nature of change, history, and confidence.
The second resource that lends itself to an inquiry into change is this Huffington Post photo series of work done by women around the world. In many instances, the juxtaposition of old world tasks/technology with modern tools or clothing provides ample food for thought for students to consider how/why things are changing throughout the world. The captions also provide invaluable background to guide their thinking. Click the above link or any of the photos for more.
Provocation Questions:
- What is history like?
- What do you notice about how people change?
- Why does work look different for people across the world?
- How is the “world being made and remade every instant?”
- How are confidence and change related?
This is part of a series of provocations designed to align with the IB Primary Years’ Programme transdisciplinary themes. Click here for more.
featured image: DeathToTheStockPhoto