We’ve covered on our blog that there are multiple forms of higher education. But I think it might be important to take a step back and ask the question- but what is the purpose of higher education?
Looking at a broad, overall answer, the point of obtaining a higher education beyond high school is to gain the knowledge needed for a profession. It gives you a specialized field of study that later you can boast to potential employers. But, there is also a long list of other reasons we as humans work hard to obtain a higher education. They are (but not limited to):
The social skills that inadvertently come with being in a school setting.
Networking with professors, potential future employers, and peers.
Proving that you can work hard and achieve something that takes hard work.
It helps you meet the needs of your own self-fulfillment, giving you a higher purpose in life.
Learning critical thinking skills, how to adapt to different situations, work with others, and gives you emotional intelligence and resilience.
Studies show that individuals that have attended higher education courses tend to make healthier decisions in their lives.
Other studies have shown that those that have achieved a degree in higher education show more success in their careers. There are less unemployment and job loss.
There are plenty of reasons to obtain higher education from the institution of your choice. Not only are you studying a field that you want to pursue a career in, but you are also gaining relationships, networking, and meeting some of your most basic self-fulfillment needs.