Bill Nye said,
“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.”
This has been a gratifying truth when it comes to my professional learning network, or PLN. The fact that I get to learn from and with master teachers all over the world on a daily basis fills me with gratitude. So to share my appreciation and to share the highlights of my 2017 PLN learning, I want to share the top 20 blog posts (in no particular order) written by educators this year. As with my 2016 post, these are posts that I bookmarked, shared, revisited, and pondered. Thank you, as always, for pushing my thinking, and I look forward to discovering the learning that 2018 holds for us all!
#1: Want Better Faculty Meetings? Start Here. by Bill Ferriter
#2: Talking at Students Instead of With Students by Chad Walsh
#3: The Classroom by Heidi Allum
#4: Let’s Talk About Methods for Conferring by Elizabeth Moore
#5: Supporting Student Agency Take Two by Taryn BondClegg
#6: A Grading Journey of Epic Proportions (Part 1) by Jonathan So
#7: Desertification by Donalyn Miller
#8: Agency by Design by Sonya terBorg
#9: Reflection’s Reality: Learning is a Story by Monte Syrie
#10: The Best Lesson I Never Taught by Abe Moore
#11: Assessment Done With Students, Not to Students by Taryn Bond-Clegg
#12: The ‘So What’ of Learning by Edna Sackson
#13: Is Your School a Rules First or A Relationships First Community? by Bill Ferriter
#14: How Are We Traveling? Reflecting on the Story So Far by Kath Murdoch
#15: If We Build It, They Will Come: Tales From Inside the Sharing Circle by Lori Van Hoesen
#16: When Adults Don’t Read, Kids Lose by Jennifer LaGarde
#17: #ClassroomBookADay And the Power of Sharing (Picture Book) Stories by Jillian Heise
#18: What Millennials Demand from Education by Erik P.M. Vermeulen
#19: Visible Thinking in Math Part 2 by Silvia Tolisano
#20: The Compliments Project by Jennifer Gonzalez
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