What’s better than money? FREE money! There are different companies and people around the world that understand not just how expensive higher education can be, but also how important it is. To help this, they offer students scholarships to help offset these costs. (Hint, hint, we offer a really good scholarship too!) As far as applying for scholarships, here are our tips!
- Never assume you are too young or too old. You can find scholarships as young as 7th or 8th grade or even clear into your Ph.D.
- Write out a general essay that you can adapt to each scholarship you apply for.
- If you are employed, check into your company to see if they offer any scholarships or school reimbursement
- Get started early! If you procrastinate on deadlines, you may miss out on great opportunities. It also looks good to scholarship boards to see those that submitted early versus those that waited until the last minute.
- If you have specific questions about the scholarship, reach out to them and ask! More often than not, they are happy to answer your questions.
- Apply for as many as you can find. If all you have to put in is time to apply for scholarships, it’s worth the money you’ll receive.
- Make sure you read all of the requirements and qualifications for a scholarship and double-check that you’ve done everything before submitting. Many people are turned away from a scholarship because they do not have all of the materials needed when submitting.
Check out this video!
Good luck applying! Be confident in yourself and your qualifications. What other tips would you add to this list?