Being a school teacher is a demanding and busy job. There are so many responsibilities and duties with which teachers are tasked. Lesson planning, classroom management, differentiation, test writing, assignment writing, and instruction are just a few. It’s a big job, with the potential to influence, for better or for worse, the lives and minds of today’s youth. Why would anyone want to do it? Why would you intentionally take on that kind of stress and pressure? There are, after all, innumerable other jobs to pick from. Why would anyone choose to be a teacher? It’s certainly not the money (though it would be amazing If teachers were actually compensated what they are truly worth!). Despite what some may think, there are actually really good, compelling reasons to become a teacher. Join me over the next couple of days as we talk about some of those reasons!
Reason #1: You have the chance to impact the rising generation
This is probably the number one reason that most teachers do what they do. Kids and teens spend a good chunk of their time at school. Teachers have the most amazing opportunity to use that time with students for good. One teacher I talked to said that she loves to teach her students to think critically and to think for themselves— what an incredible impact she is having on her students by teaching them a crucial skill that they will use the rest of their lives. So many students are not blessed with good home lives, and for many students, school is their safe place. It would be such a tragedy if teachers didn’t use their time wisely and didn’t create that safe space that so many students today need. Teachers have such an incredible responsibility and privilege to bless and influence the lives of today’s rising generation.
Reason #2: Kids of all ages are so much fun
No matter the age group you teach, there is the potential for so much fun to be had. Kids of all ages add so much variety and fun to life. I’m sure most teachers could write a book full of funny things they have heard or seen their students say or do. Teachers have a unique opportunity to interact with and develop relationships with their students. They can use those interactions to build up their students and encourage them to be their best selves.
Reason #3: Teaching can be a blast
Do you love math? Science? Grammar? Anxiety Egypt? Greek Mythology? Perfect! Teaching gives you a chance to share your passions. As you teach, you can use your knowledge and enthusiasm for a particular subject to engage students and open up a whole new world of exciting information. When you teach with passion for your subject, your students can feel it and will catch on to your excitement.
Reason #4: Job Security
Teaching is one of those jobs that will always be needed. It’s not a job that will be phased out or done away with. People need formal education, and teachers provide that education. Sure, there may be times where a teaching job may not be open at the exact school you are wanting to work at, but there will always be teaching opportunities nearby. And in today’s economy, job security is an amazing thing to have!
Reason #5: Every day is different
Teaching is a lot of things, but one thing it isn’t is boring. Every day is a chance for a new adventure. For secondary teachers, even every class period is different. You can teach the same exact lesson for all seven class periods and have completely different class periods. It’s amazing! One day your students may be subdued and calm, while the next day they are full of enthusiasm and zest. You just never know, and that’s part of what makes teaching so much fun! If you love variety, teaching is definitely a good option for you.
Have I convinced you yet to become a teacher? Or maybe at least convinced you that it might be a good career choice? If not, that’s okay! My next post will give you five more reasons that teaching is the best job a person can have. See you next time!