My second and third graders hit the 100th day of school mark today, and my kindergartner and preschoolers will hit it next week. It’s weird to think we are over halfway done with the school year already.
The second grade celebrated by inviting kids to dress up as 100 year olds and did a bunch of activities throughout the day. Amazon saved my behind with overnight delivery and kindly had a cute little “old man” costume at my door by 6 am. I dropped my son off at school and smiled as I watched other students walking into the school in costume. Sure, dress up days can be stressful, but they are so much fun!
Do you celebrate the 100th day of school at your school? If so, how do you celebrate? Since our school year started in the middle of August, we are hitting our 100th day sooner than a lot of other schools across the country. If you haven’t hit the 100 day mark yet, and are planning on celebrating with students, here are a few ideas you could use!
- Have students dress up as 100 year old people— there’s nothing cuter than little kids dressed up as old people!
- Ask each student to bring a small bag filled with 100 of something— noodles, buttons, small candies, beads, legos, Cheerios, pennies, crayons, erasers, etc. Have them compare how big or small each collection of things is— even though each bag contains 100 items, the fullness of the bags will differ according to the size of the items in them.
- Give students 100 small items— math counters, buttons, pennies, etc. Have them sort them several different ways to show how many ways you can make 100.
- Color and make 100 day hats or glasses.
- As a class, in small groups, or individually, have students come up with a list of 100 words they know.
- Make 100 day necklaces with 100 pieces of cereal. Have students count out their cereal before they make their necklaces.
- Make a list of 100 things they can do (or want to learn to do).
- Make a mosaic using 100 small pieces of paper.
- Count out 100 ice cubes into a bowl. Have students guess how long they think it will take them to all melt.
- Make a paper cup pyramid with 100 cups.
- Have students create a “Before I am 100” bucket list with things they’d like to do in their lifetime. You can choose the number of things you want them to write on their list.
- Go on a candy scavenger hunt. Write numbers 1-100 on dot stickers, then stick them on small wrapped pieces of candy (Hershey kisses work great). Hide them around the room and have students go on a hunt. Have them put the numbers in order as they find them.
- Have each student walk 100 steps. Measure whose steps went the furthest. You could try different ways to walk— little tiny steps, big monster steps, normal steps, alternating one small step with one big step, and so on.
- If you have snack time during school, give each student 100 of whatever snack you have that day. If you don’t normally have snack time, this is a great day to have one!
- Choose a few exercise moves (sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups, etc.) you know your students can easily do and have them do 100 seconds of each exercise.
- Give each student 100 interlocking math blocks. Have them build something with them. This is a fun small group or partner activity.
- Using 100 objects, create 100 written out.
Well there you have it— fun ways to celebrate the 100th day of school! Happy celebrating!