Due to popular demand, we are sharing ten more of our favorite read alouds for older elementary students. Be sure to check out our original list, too!
My Common Core Story & Why You Should Share Yours, Too
Let’s clear the fog of confusion by shining light with our real stories about the Common Core.
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23 Guiding Questions to Make Student-Led Conferences More Informative
So you’ve decided to implement student-led conferences. Congratulations! You are well on your way to empowering students to own their 21st century learning. If you’re still new to the process (or want fresh ideas), be sure to begin with our student-led conference practical starter guide and resources.
Continue reading “23 Guiding Questions to Make Student-Led Conferences More Informative”
5 Small Habits that Will Transform Your Classroom
Flipped classrooms. Project-based learning. BYOD. Homework & standardized testing overhauls. These are some of the big-picture aspects that help define the 21st century education landscape. But when we approach it with only these kinds of large-scale changes in mind, the shift will be daunting and slow. Here are five minor 21st century habits to try out for major potential for change!
Continue reading “5 Small Habits that Will Transform Your Classroom”
21st Century Teacher Cheat Sheet
We don’t know about you, but we’re pretty visual folks over here. So here are some of the most important aspects we’ve learned about 21st century teaching over the past year of blogging, condensed into infographic form! Enjoy!
For more like this, check out our article on becoming a 21st Century teacher!
What If Not All Students Want Choice?
“But there isn’t though enough sharing by those who are embedded in the work [of 21st century learning]. There isn’t enough shared deep reflection, video, or examples of what the how looks like in action. But we can fix that, right?” ~Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach.
When DIY PD Goes Terribly Wrong–Or Does It?
A Wii remote taped to a ceiling projector. A teacher standing on desks. Twenty-five 11 year-olds offering enthusiastic technical support. This unlikely combination would become one of my greatest “aha” moments as an educator.
Continue reading “When DIY PD Goes Terribly Wrong–Or Does It?”