One of the puzzled responses I’ve gotten from riding my bike or taking transit around town with my kids is why I would spend that time when driving is so much quicker.
The more I’ve considered this, the more I realize: the slowing down is a large part of the point for me.
I tend to pack too much into my days, trying to move through my to-do list as quickly as I can, working not to feel to frantic when plans fall through. I know that it is in my own best interest to deliberately build into my day blocks of time when I am forced to slow down.
As much as I miss being in the classroom (another few years to go until our youngest is in school & I’ll resume), I can see that this time is a precious gift that I am privileged to have. I have the choice to slow down, and I intend to take advantage of it, hoping to learn as much as I can from the experience. Not only is this self-care; it is also a way for me to enjoy the time I have with my kids.
With that, I want to share a poem that has been forming in my mind for a while regarding ways I’m learning to intentionally slow down my time with my children.
“Slowing Down Time”
Where does the time go flying by?
Why must they grow so fast?
How can we slow the pace of life
and make these moments last?
I search for ways to cup the time;
it sifts between my fingers.
But over time I start to find
some ways to make it linger.
We first have seen the love of books,
their words hold time spellbound.
When stories help to weave our day,
More togetherness is found.
We’ve also learned to walk outside,
or bike, or skip, or glide,
The destination takes back seat
to memories made wayside.
The ways are varied, small, unique
to cherish what we hold.
They may seem strange, but they are ours
to guard and to be bold.
Featured image: DeathToTheStockPhoto
I enjoyed your appreciation of, and reminder to enjoy, every precious moment in poetic form. Lovely.
Thanks so much, Norah! First poem I’ve written in a lot of years.