My curation doesn’t always fit neatly into broader themes and concepts. Sometimes I squirrel away videos and resources that are just plain fascinating. I hope you can find uses for these to inspire thinking & wonder with your students this year!
Resource #1: The Icebreaker. Short flim by
Which makes me wonder…
…How quickly does the ice form over the water?
…How does the crew deal with all the snow?
…What kinds of jobs take people out to these dangerous waters, and why?
Resource #2: Changemaker Quiz by Obama Foundation
Which makes me wonder…
…How can our personalities impact our communities for change?
…What kinds of change do we need and how can communities find out what they are?
Resource #3:
Which makes me wonder…
…How do our environments impact the way we move? The way we live?
…What makes a place interesting to visit?
…How is movement and travel part of the human experience?
Resource #4: What Have You Changed Your Mind About? by SoulPancake
Which makes me wonder…
…What makes it hard for people to change their minds about things?
…What makes people change their minds over time?
Resource #5: The true story of Mary Anning: The Girl Who Discovered Dinosaurs by BBC via The Kid Should See This
Which makes me wonder…
…How does our upbringing impact our interests and what we’re able to achieve?
…Why have women been excluded from science and most other fields over time? Why/how has this changed today?
Resource #6: These items worn down over time tell pretty interesting stories

Which makes me wonder…
…What are other ways humans can observe change over time?
…How is critical thinking needed to tell the stories of change over time?
featured image: DeathToTheStockPhoto