Welcome back to HGU for a fresh year! We hope you enjoyed a restful and relaxing holiday break, and that you are feeling rejuvenated for school. Here to offer some inspiration for your classroom New Year’s resolution-making are a few of our readers’ favorite posts in 2014, along with some suggestions for low-stress, high-impact goals.
Best of 2014
#4: Review: Pam Allyn’s Core Ready Lesson Sets for Grades 3-5
If you are currently researching language arts programs, you won’t want to miss this teacher-tested review!
#3: 10 Read Alouds for Upper Elementary Grades
Research continues to back up the fact that reading to your children–even older children–provides literacy benefits. So don’t skimp on read-aloud time just because you teach preteens!
#2: Foreign Language Programs: A Basic Review
Several members of our HGU team tried out and reviewed Fluenz, Pimsleur, and Rosetta Stone to help give some guidance in choosing a foreign language program.
#1: Top Online Games for Elementary
30 different math, science, and art games–all free, student-tested, and teacher-screened!
Possible Goals for 2015
*Become a Google Educator:
With the abundance of free professional development opportunities online, there’s no reason not to start taking your PD into your own hands in 2015! What we especially like about Google Courses for Educators is that they help teachers fully harness Google resources in the classroom, broken down into bite-sized 5-30 minute lessons.
*Create a Donors Choose project:
Math board games, a document camera, 2 iPad Mini’s–these are just a few items I received through the generous donors on Donors Choose over the past few years. Be sure to watch for match offers or Chevron’s Fuel Your School to increase your chances of funding!
*Write personal notes to every student:
Cut up card stock and reserve just a couple minutes of your prep time each day to write a couple of meaningful letters to students each day. Express your admiration for their perseverance, confidence in their potential, and enthusiasm for their progress. Not only will you foster a positive class atmosphere, but you’ll help beat out the gray midwinter blues to which so many of us are susceptible.
*Pick just 1 new edtech to integrate:
Instead of getting overwhelmed by the many choices for technology integration in the classroom, choose just one this year. Student blogging, Twitter, flipped classrooms, and virtual field trips are a few of our favorites.
Photo Credit:
Featured Image (visible on mobile layout only this version): BazaarBizarreSF vis Flickr