To all of my loyal readers out there, I’m sorry I’ve been a little MIA the last few weeks.
I’ve been working from home for my company, Honors Graduation, a graduation outfitters store. April and May are very busy for them with graduations all over the United States going on. This year, despite graduations being canceled all over the nation, they are still as busy as ever. I wanted to share a few things I’ve been able to witness as a customer service rep for them over the last few weeks.
Parents ordering their student’s graduation items because schools are not handing them out with graduation being canceled.
Schools are still ordering cords, caps, tassels, and more for students to keep. They are also paying extra to have them shipped to individual students so that they don’t have to go out to the schools to pick up the items.
Grandparents, parents, club advisors, teachers, and schools have ordered embroidered custom stoles for their graduates who can’t have graduation this year.
Parents working hard to put on virtual graduations for their kids, with family and friends tuning in via Zoom.
Schools setting up virtual graduations via Zoom.
Paying extra in shipping costs because schools have been moving graduation dates around.
Parents buying all of the graduation essentials so that their kids can take graduation pictures.
So many custom stoles ordered to provide graduates with as much recognition as one can give at this time.
Overall, working for this company I have seen first hand how hard everyone is working to recognize our graduates during this uncertain time. Working customer service is obviously full of unhappy customers with a problem- that is why customer service exists! But on those occasions where someone tells me their heartwarming story of their college graduate who worked so hard to achieve this goal, and how they just want to purchase a cap and gown so that she can have something to remember this by.
When someone thanks us for being open during this crazy time so that they can still have their needs met.
I know times are crazy and uncertain right now, but I can’t help but to slow down myself and see everyone rally together. It’s incredible.
How have you witnessed a greater collaboration of a society? Whether on a larger scale or in a smaller, community scale? How have you shown your graduate recognition during this time?
If you are or know of a graduate that could use some encouragement during this time, check out my open letter to college graduates part one and part two.