Phi Alpha Delta Spotlight

An open letter to college freshman tips and advice

Today we are doing a quick spotlight on Phi Alpha Delta, a prominent law fraternity. The foundation of their organization began in 1897 when the Law Student League was formed. The actual fraternity of Phi Alpha Delta wasn’t formed until 1902. 

Phi Alpha Delta is deeply rooted in service. Not only to one another, but they believe in service to,

The community, 

The Universe and

To all. 

Being a fraternity that focuses on law, they are constantly holding events for members centered around law, such as pre-law conferences, mock trials, leadership events, and more. These are great opportunities to network and get your foot in the door for any law internships or job opportunities. 

Phi Alpha Delta’s motto is, Philos Adelphos Dikaios – “Love of Humanity and Justice for All”

What If Your Sorority or Fraternity Isn’t For You Anymore?

rush week tips

So you made it through rush week and bid day, and now you’re all settled into your new sorority or fraternity. 

But, what if a few weeks, months, or even years go by and you don’t feel like your choice is a good fit anymore? The good news? You don’t have to stick around. The majority of the organizations out there are on your side, and if you realize it’s not for you anymore, they will support you. You may still have financial obligations per the contract signed, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay physically! 

A few tips to remember if this is something you are struggling with: 

Be honest with yourself. Really dig deep into your thoughts and feelings on the situation and honestly think about how you’re feeling about the whole situation. Do not just guilt yourself to stay because “someday it’ll get better” or “things might change.” 

There is no financial responsibility that is greater than your mental health. Leaving your sorority or fraternity may come with a financial burden of fees for leaving or still having to pay your yearly dues even though you’ve left. However, this should never be a reason to stay in a situation taking a toll on your mental or even physical health. If you’re having a hard time balancing everything and leaving your organization is what needs to happen, then it needs to happen. 

It could possibly disqualify you from joining another organization within the same school. By walking away from one fraternity or sorority, it could mean losing out on the opportunity to join another at the same school. However, if you’re transferring colleges altogether, you can often join a new organization at your new school. 

Be honest with your organization’s president throughout the process. It can be a good idea to confront your president about your worries, concerns, and problems early on. This could mean the difference between staying within your sorority/fraternity or leaving! It will also make it easier to carry out your leaving process if that’s what you ultimately decide to do, no one will feel blindsided. 

In the end, your happiness and overall well-being is the most important thing here. Make the best decision for you. 

Holiday Ideas For Your Fraternity

rush week tips

It’s officially the holiday season! And before everyone heads home for the holiday break, it’s important to bring in some Christmas cheer to your fraternity organization! Here are a few fun ways to incorporate it into your house. 

Decorate- I know it seems like a simple one, but walking into a house with a Christmas tree and garland around the banister is sure to lighten anyone’s mood and remind them of the great season we are in right now. Especially during finals week! 

Go Caroling- There are plenty of other college students that would love some holiday cheer from a fraternity showing up on their doorstep singing some Christmas tunes! Even if it’s not all in tune! 

Fundraise for your philanthropy- Through the winter can be some of the toughest times to have everyone’s needs met. Consider some type of fundraiser to help your philanthropy through these hard times. 

Holiday activities- They don’t have to be every single day, but it can be a great idea to have your activities committee plan a few things here and there with all of the members to have a quick break from studying and enjoy time together. 

Christmas Countdown Chain- Or maybe a finals week countdown chain? Either way, it’s something to look forward to and can bring a lot of hope and cheer during a stressful time! 

What activities is your fraternity participating in this holiday season? 

Supporting Your Philanthropy Through The Holidays

supporting your philanthropy through the holidays

The holiday season is coming up, which means a whirlwind of things to remember and do! But one thing that is always on the mind of a sorority and fraternity is, “How do we support our philanthropy through the holidays as well?” It’s no secret that everyone needs a little extra love and help during this time of the year, so here are a few ideas of ways you can help support. 

Fundraisers- the possibilities of fundraisers are endless! 

Donate unused items- it’s such a great way to go through everything in your organization’s house and find unused items that can be donated directly to your philanthropy in one way or another.  

Give your time- giving doesn’t have to require your money. Sometimes a few hours serving your philanthropy in some way can be incredibly beneficial. Reach out to them to see what you and your organization can help with. Many hands make light work! 

Reach out to other sororities and fraternities to see how you can help

How else do you support your philanthropy through the holidays? 

A Peek Into The Alpha Phi Scholarship Foundation

alpha phi scholarship program spotlight

Not only is Alpha Phi an incredible organization for the service and leadership they provide, but they also offer scholarships for academics. The stories that come from the students receiving the scholarships are incredibly moving and absolutely worth noting. They have been offering them since 1959 and continue to do so today. 

Alpha Phi is aware of the rising costs of higher education and wants to assist its members with funding it as much as possible. 

“Samantha Bliss Mullin (Theta Tau–Rensselaer) shared that although she “knew it was a good decision to get a graduate degree, the reality of the cost of education was pretty daunting.” Now able to focus on her graduate research and worry less about her financial obligations with the help of a Alpha Phi Foundation scholarship in 2017, Samantha went on to finish graduate degree on an accelerated track.”

-Alex Goodman

They are able to fund these scholarships through generous donations, mostly from the alumni of Alpha Phi. You can read more of Alex’s story highlighting their scholarship program on their website.

#GoGreek Interview: AJ Cutler

#gogreek interview alpha chi omega sorority sister

Welcome to our #GoGreek series! This blog series focuses on interviewing past and present members of sororities and fraternities. We are able to learn more about their experiences and ask them questions to help others learn more about the Greek world, bust stigmas, and find out if Greek life is right for you. 

Today we are interviewing AJ Cutler. AJ was a part of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. 

AJ was drawn into Greek life through her friends, they were participating in the recruitment process and encouraged her to come along. She also loved the idea of finding like-minded people. Her favorite part of being in a sorority was always having something to do, there was always some event she could be a part of or join, enriching her overall college experience. 

What was your philanthropy and what effect did serving this philanthropy have on your life?

“Domestic Violence/ Sexual Assault Awareness. This topic hits too close to home with so many of my friends, that’s felt very passionate and connected to this cause. I have chosen to continue to believe and support survivors of domestic violence end sexual assault, as well as create a safe space for any friends or colleagues that may experience it themselves.”

How has your experience helped or shaped your life beyond college? In what ways do you feel like being in a sorority or fraternity boosted your resume?

“I very frequently hang out with my friends that I met through Sorority life. There has also been a domino effect on my career, as a sorority sister helped me land my first job on campus, which led to opportunities in my field of study, which eventually landed me my current job that I love! I was able to diversify my experience with social media and marketing, and it led me to go out for more career-based clubs, which has boosted my resume!”

Her advice for those wanting to join Greek life is to join based on the people. Find the people you want to surround yourself with, and then you can find your own purpose in your organization. 

Spotlight on Omega Phi Alpha

spotlight on omega phi alpha

Omega Phi Alpha was founded in 1953 at Bowling Green State University. A handful of students at Zeta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity wanted to start a new organization for the purpose of assisting with projects on campus that they were working on. After a group of women stepped up and wanted to fill the role, a sorority was started with a similar, but different name. Omega Phi Alpha. Originally the sorority was only open to members of Girls Scouts or Camp Fire Girls. This has since been changed. 

Their core values are service, tradition, sisterhood, diversity & inclusion, and leadership. Each separate organization is centered around service in some way. They state on their website their purpose: 

“The purpose and goals of this sorority shall be to assemble its members in the fellowship of Omega Phi Alpha, to develop friendship, leadership and cooperation by promoting service to the university community, to the community at-large, to the members of the sorority, and to the nations of the world.”

They truly are a sorority founded on women that stepped up to help and will continue to leave a legacy of women willing to step up to help. They are a positive influence on college campuses everywhere!

You can see more about Omega Phi Alpha and the overview of the sorority here in this video: