Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King in the Classroom

With Martin Luther King, Jr. Day approaching, I thought it would be a good time to provide you with a few ideas you can use in your classroom to help your students understand and honor the life and impact of Dr. King. These ideas can be used and adapted for all ages and grades.

Watch the video of Dr. King giving his famous “I have a dream” speech

Sometimes hearing and seeing an event take place can make a greater impact than just talking about it. For younger students, have them listen to and watch the speech and listen for the things Dr. King hoped for. 

For older students, have them watch the speech, then provide them with a physical copy of it. Put them into small groups and have them do a close reading of the speech and discussing what makes this speech so powerful.

You can find the speech here.

Have students create their own “I have a dream” piece

This activity can be presented many ways. Students can create their own speech about their hopes and dreams. You can also have students create a “dream board” where they make a collage of pictures and words showing their dreams. You might also have students write a poem about the things they hope for.

Talk about what “the content of their character” means

Together as a class, brainstorm positive characteristics of people they know. Talk about what character is and how it can shape who you are. Then, have students write (length will depend on age and ability) about the content of their own character and what they hope to be remembered and known for. 

This gives students a great opportunity to analyze what makes a good person and reflect on their own characters. It provides an excellent text-to-self connection.

Create a timeline of the life of Dr. King

Have students— either in groups of individually— create a timeline of events in the life of Dr. King. Have them use the internet to gather pictures and information to create their timelines. 

This activity provides students a chance to research, learn, then practice putting things in chronological order.

Talk about bravery and courage

Dr. King was incredibly brave and courageous for doing the things he did. Talk with students about times they have had to be brave. Discuss what it means to have courage. Have them write about their own experiences with bravery and courage.

Discuss equality vs. equity/fairness

Many students don’t understand the difference between equality and equity. Take the opportunity to teach them the difference and why it matters. The discussion opens up a world of possibilities in talking about how we should treat people and how people need different things to succeed based on their own personal circumstances. Students can create a piece of art or writing showing their knowledge and understanding of these concepts.

Research famous quotes by Dr. King

Have students research famous things Dr. King said. Let them pick their favorite, then have them write it out and create a piece of art around the quote. Encourage them to match their art to the feeling of the quote. 

Plan a day of service

Dr. King was a big proponent of service and believed that everyone could serve. To honor this legacy, plan a day of service with your students. If possible, plan and execute a large scale service project together. If not, encourage students to find smaller ways to serve and help those around them. Service is something that benefits both the server and the served. It provides students with an incredible chance to look outside themselves and see others in a different light. 

However you choose to, I hope you take a minute to at least talk about and acknowledge the impact that Dr. King had and continues to have on our world. His legacy is one to not be forgotten, and it’s important that we continue to teach the rising generation that everyone matters and everyone has a voice.

Is the Mess of Making Art Worth It?

This morning I woke up and came down to the kitchen to find my six year old and almost five year old happily painting and making sun catchers. There was paint all over the table, all over their hands, and other supplies scattered about. At first I was annoyed. I mean, waking up to a mess isn’t ideal, and it really wasn’t what I wanted to wake up and see first thing on a Monday morning. But… when I saw how happy and proud they were with their creations, I just couldn’t be be mad. And what’s more, when their little sister came down wanting to make one, and they happily worked together to help her do that, I really could’t be upset. It was a good reminder to me that messes are part of childhood and part of learning. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned as a mother and school teacher, it’s that messes can be cleaned up.

Hands-on experiences are crucial for developing minds and hands. It is so important for little hands to really get into what they are doing. Immersing themselves in the creative process allows kids to be more engaged and to learn from what they are doing. 

Think about a child playing with kinetic sand or play-doh. To get the full experience of playing with those things, a child needs to use their hands to manipulate and create. It’s not enough to just look at it. Creating art is, by nature, a hands-on experience, regardless of the medium being used. 

Creating not only inspires great thinking; it also helps develop a plethora of other skills. Coloring promotes proper pencil/crayon/marker holding. Painting helps develop hand control. Cutting with scissors and gluing small pieces are both great for helping refine fine motor skills. Thinking through the process of what to create and how to create it gives rise to creative thinking. If creating with other people, it allows for cooperative creation and learning. When the creating is finished, children can learn valuable clean up skills, and can learn the importance of picking up their messes and leaving their area clean and tidy. 

Another thing that stems from creating is a sense of pride and accomplishment. Upon finishing, kids are able to immediately see the results of their hard work. They can display their creations and can feel proud of themselves for what they’ve done. This feeling of accomplishment can help foster confidence that can carry over into other areas of their life. 

Creating art really is much more than just paper, scissors, markers, and glue. Sure, it entertains kids and is fun. But, really, it aids in so many other areas of development and life that it is a very valuable tool. 

So the next time your child asks you to let them create something, and you’re tempted to turn them down, take a minute and think about the benefits of creating, and maybe you’ll reconsider!