Access to Technology: A Benefit or a Detriment?

Technology is both a blessing and a curse in classroom settings. When used correctly, it can greatly enhance and enrich learning. When it becomes a distraction, however, it can become a detriment to learning. In the poll I conducted, 81% of teachers polled identified access to technology as a major problem they see among their students. 

We live in a world where technology is pretty much unavoidable. We rely on our devices for so many things, and I don’t see that going away any time soon, if ever. Many students have easy access to various technologies, and recent trends show that kids are becoming addicted to screens at young ages. This addiction to screens isn’t a problem that stays at home; it’s bleeding over into school. We’re seeing students who have a hard time staying focused for more than a few minutes at a time, are getting bored with traditional instructional methods that don’t involve technology, and who can’t think for themselves. For students who have and bring a phone to school, it becomes a temptation when it’s in their pocket, and a distraction when it’s not. 

One teacher polled said, “Students are sleeping in class because they have stayed up all night on their phones, have shorter attention spans because they scroll, increased lack of desire and motivation to do work because it doesn’t give them that dopamine hit, and an inability to focus on a task for more than 5 min (and this is 6th grade!)”

Even younger grades are experiencing problems with this. A second grade teacher said, “I believe that access to too much technology has greatly impacted their “need” to get immediate rewards/stimulation. They have a hard time with giving things their full attention unless it is online.”

Since this problem isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, we have to find ways to rein it in and help our students focus and control their need for screens. Much of the screen time addiction starts at home. Too often, some parents use screens as a “babysitter” for their kids. That’s not to say that all parents do this, because I know that’s not true; there are many parents who do limit screen time and are very good about setting boundaries with it. Since the problem usually starts at home, the solution should also start at home, then carry over into school. If students can learn to control their need for screens, they are going to be able to focus more, learn more, and truly experience life more. 

In the classroom, teachers can limit how much work is done on computers. I understand that having students complete and turn in assignments online makes it so much easier than having a ton of papers sitting around. But there has to be a balance somewhere between too much technology, and not enough. 

It’s a tricky balance, for sure, and what works for one teacher may not work for another. However a teacher chooses to manage access to technology in their own classrooms is up to them. I don’t think technology should be completely eliminated from classrooms. It really can be an incredibly useful tool in instruction and learning. Because we live in such a digital world, it’s also essential that students have some computer skills, as they won’t be able to avoid technology in the “real world.” 

I think as long as teachers are doing their best to combat the over-access to technology, students will figure out that they don’t really need their phones 24/7. Technology is definitely useful, but it’s not the only thing that can be used.

Students and the Challenges They Face

It isn’t a secret that today’s students face many challenges. Many of these challenges are unique to this generation, while others are the same kinds of challenges that students have faced for years. Regardless the challenge, students need support and guidance on how to navigate these problems. I polled eleven teachers over a variety of grade levels to get an idea of what they are seeing in their classrooms, and how they are helping their students face these trying issues. Over the next few posts, I’m going to dive into the results of that poll and share what current teachers are doing in their classrooms to combat these challenges. 

First, a little background on the poll, questions asked, and the basic results.

In my poll, I gave teachers a list of challenges kids today might face, and asked them to check the box next to anything on that list that they see in their classrooms. That list included time management, family hardships, mental health, access to technology (too much or too little), financial strain, inadequate resources, test anxiety, distractions, lack of motivation, procrastination, lack of support at home or school, and inadequate physical care (food insecurity, lack of medical care, poor hygiene, etc.). Teachers were also given space to write any challenges they have seen that were not on my list. 

Then, from the boxes that they checked, I asked teachers to list the top three challenges they see in their classrooms, and explain what specifically they see happening. I then asked teachers to explain what is being done in general (by state, district, school, etc.) to combat these problems, and what they are specifically doing with their own students to alleviate these challenges. 

It was interesting to see the results of the poll. Problems I assumed would be more common turned out to not really even be a concern to most teachers, and problems I assumed wouldn’t be a big deal turned out to be bigger problems than I thought. I learned that certain issues aren’t confined to one particular age demographic, and that students of all grades and ages are experiencing many of the same challenges. 

So what did the teachers say? 

Of the teachers polled, an astounding 100% of them listed lack of motivation as one of the top challenges students today face! Coming in tied for second place, was 81% of teachers indicating that their students struggled with distractions and access to technology. 

Come along as I explore these results a little deeper and figure out what can be done to help today’s kids rise above and face these challenges!