We are now well into fall and a fall book list is a must. I always say if I could live in one season forever, it would definitely be fall, hands down. I’ve often wondered if there is a place that exists where autumn lasts all year, and then I recall the life cycle of trees and how it is not possible for them to forever be in this state. But of course, Anne says it best.
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
-L.M. Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables
A few picture books that are perfect for any fall day in the classroom:

Fall Mixed Up!
I will warn you. Only read this book to your students if you’re prepared for continual laughing. This book is wacky and silly and so perfect for when you just need a change of attitude in your classroom!

Fletcher and the Falling Leaves
This cute story tells of a fox showing empathy for a tree losing its leaves. He is deeply concerned for the tree, up until he sees how beautiful it is on the first day of winter.

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves
We all love the old lady who swallowed a fly, but now she’s swallowing leaves! What is there not to love about that!? If you’re into felt storyboards, this book is perfect for one.

Room on the Broom
A fun Halloween based book about a witch that adds more and more friends to her broom. Again, another great felt storyboard book!

Charlotte’s Web
This literary classic is a must-read in every classroom. The setting starts in the early fall, then reaches into early winter, making it a great read-aloud book for this time of the year.
What autumn books have you read to your class this year?