This is a list of all my inquiry provocations, each designed to help students inquire, ponder, and question (through October 2018). They are grouped by overarching concept, with favorites in bold.
For background on when I first started my blog schedule, including Inspiring Inquiry posts, click here.
PYP Essential Elements & Transdisciplinary Themes
For a list of just the picture books from the PYP posts below, click here.
- Inquiry Into the 5 Essential Elements of the PYP (includes “The Potter” & “Soar”)
- Attitudes:
- Empathy (includes Scarlett & If We Could See Inside Others’ Hearts)
- Curiosity (includes Mirror, A Short Story of Similar Objects & Pioneering Scientists Journeys 1000m Deep in Antarctica)
- Commitment (includes Be A Control Freak / Lily Hevesh & Stukenborg)
- Enthusiasm (includes Piano Guys & Pep Talk from Kid President)
- Appreciation (includes Noticing the Soundscapes of Yosemite National Park & Last Stop on Market Street)
- Independence (includes La Luna & Memo)
- Cooperation (includes OK Go & Head Up)
- Integrity (includes Alike & Dove Real Beauty Sketches)
- Tolerance (includes What is Public Life & Charter for Compassion)
- Respect (includes Respect Mother Nature & Pixar’s Day & Night
- Learner Profile:
- Knowledgeable (includes Lisa Winter, Robot Builder & Google Engine Timelapse Page)
- Caring (includes The Gnomist & “Give a Little Love, Get A Little Love”)
- Principled (includes Randy Pausch — Live the Right Way & We Found a Hat)
- Risk-Taker (includes The Courage to Invent: A NASA Roboticist Tells Her Story & Malala’s Magic Pencil)
- Open-Minded (includes How Often Do You Challenge Your Biases? & The Things Kids Carried)
- Inquirer (includes A Mini, Magnetic, All-Terrain Robot & Going Fishing Stop Motion)
- Communicator (includes Obvious to you, Amazing to Others & Ballet Rotoscope)
- Balanced (includes Mobile & Nugget)
- Thinker (includes Nature by Numbers & reDesign Skills)
- Action (includes What Matters to You/Me? & PSA from Patrick Larkin)
- Skills
- Communication (includes How Miscommunication Happens & Click Clack Moo)
- Social (includes Family Rescues Whale Tangled in Net)
- Thinking (includes Nature by Numbers & reDesign Skills)
- Research (includes Urban Nature Hunting tips & OK Go Sandbox lessons)
- Self-Management (includes 3 Ways to Start & Why Incompetent People Think They’re Amazing)
- Knowledge
- Who We Are (includes Reflection photoseries)
- Who We Are, where we live (includes Subprime & Bedrooms of Children Around the World)
- Where We Are in Place & Time (includes Why You Can Change the World & Women at Work photoseries)
- Where We Are in Place & Time (includes Dear Photograph & Then/Now photoseries)
- How We Organize Ourselves (includes How Zipcodes Helped Organize America)
- How the World Works, perfectionism (includes Unsatisfying & Forms in Nature)
- How the World Works, nature (includes Discovery of New Species infographic & The Most Astounding Fact)
- How We Express Ourselves (includes Ballet Rotoscope & Why Do I Study Physics?)
- How We Express Ourselves, in the 21st Century (includes The Adaptable Mind & La Luna)
- Sharing the Planet (includes Lead India & I am Malala)
Sustainable Development Goals
For a list of just the picture books from the SDG’s posts below, click here.
- Inquiry into SDG’s (includes Embrace Cocoon Innovation video)
- #1: No Poverty (includes Extreme Poverty: Choices & Living on a Dollar A Day photoseries)
- #2: Zero Hunger (includes World Food Program Quiz on Hunger & Michael Pollan’s Food Rules)
- #3: Good Health & Well-Being (includes What Is a Food Desert & The Things We Carry)
- #4: Quality Education (includes If You Build It & 7 Insane Ways Children Get to School)
- #5: Gender Equality (includes Dream Crazier & Malala’s Magic Pencil)
- #6: Clean Water & Sanitation (includes G R A N T E D & Global Citizen)
- #7: Affordable & Clean Energy (includes Small World Energy & The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind)
- #8: Decent Work & Economic Growth (includes Fair Hotels & One Hen)
- #9: Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure (includes Our Work by Global Goods Partners & Animanimals: Ant)
- #10: Reduced inequalities (includes Do Not Read This & Corto Ian)
- #11: Sustainable Cities & Communities (includes What is Public Life & Bicycle Rush Hour)
- #12: Responsible Production & Consumption (includes PYP Exhibition Staging & Sustainable Brands 2018)
- #13: Climate Action (includes Hi Camp & Planet Under Pressure)
- #14: Life Below Water (includes Where Did the Oil Go & Manfish)
- #15: Life on Land (includes Nokia HK Honey & Toposcope)
- #16: Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions (includes Bel-AIR & The Rooster Who Would Not be Quiet)
- #17: Inquiry into Partnerships for the Goals (includes Further Up Yonder & Where Do We Go From Here?)
Learner Identities
For a list of just the picture books from the learner identities & other subjects below, click here.
- Inquiry into Being a Writer (includes 18 best Videos to get to know children’s authors/illustrators, The Word Collector)
- Inquiry into Being a Reader (includes Reading Interest Inventories & A Child of Books)
- Inquiry into Being a Mathematician (includes Beauty of Mathematics & Which One Doesn’t Belong?)
- Inquiry into Being a Scientist (includes Why I Study Physics & photography by Sebastião Salgado)
- Marveling Over Math (includes Beauty of Mathematics)
- Inquiry Into Scale & Perspective (includes Earth’s History on a Football Field & landscapes art series)
- Provocation Into Visual Mathematics (includes The Power of Infographics)
- Inquiry Into Numbers (includes A Brief History in Banned Numbers & Beauty in Numbers: Pi)
- Inquiry Into LARGE numbers (includes Forest of Numbers)
- Inquiry into Being a Mathematician (includes Beauty of Mathematics & Which One Doesn’t Belong?)
Language & Literacy
- Idioms That Don’t Translate & More for a Language Provocation (includes how languages evolve)
- Provocation Into the Power of Words (includes The Power of Words & A Child of Words)
- Inquiry into Being a Writer (includes 18 best Videos to get to know children’s authors/illustrators, The Word Collector)
- Inquiry into Being a Reader (includes Reading Interest Inventories & A Child of Books)
- Inquiry Into Color (includes Kids Describe Color to a Blind Person & Colorscope series)
- Provocation for Design in Nature (includes Woodswimmer & Spring timelapse)
- Inquiry Into Music (includes Bicycle Bell Tree & Landfill Harmonic)
Digital Citizenship
- An Inquiry Into Tech Use (includes Removed photo essay & The Millennial Rebuttal)
- Inquiry Into Tech Use, Twitter Edition (several examples of students collaborating globally)
- A Provocation into Online Research, Media Litearcy, & #FakeNews (includes Where Things Come From & What IS Media Literacy)
- Inquiry Into Student Blogging (examples of student & teacher blogs)
Global Citizenship
- Inspiring Inquiry: Popping the Monday-Friday Bubble
- Inspiring Inquiry: On Refugees (including Boise refugees photo essay)
- Provocation Into Recycling, Sustainability, & Making a Difference through Creativity (includes Washed Ashore, Art to Save the Sea & Embrace the Shake)
- Inquiry Into Cultures & Open-Mindedness (includes East Meets West & Muslim American was shot after 9/11, Then He Fought to Save His Attacker’s Life)
- Inquiry: How Do People Get Their Food? (includes Atlas of Beauty & What I Eat, Around the World)
- Provocation Into the Possibilities of Going Green (includes Four Years of Trash, One Jar & What Really Happens to the Plastic You Throw Away)
- Having Better Conversations on Global Awareness (includes See How the Rest of the World Lives & Hans Rosling’s 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes)
Creativity & Inspiration
- Provocation: To Thine Own Self Be True (includes The Millennial Rebuttal & Bill Watterson’s A Cartoonist’s Advice)
- The Evolution of Innovation (inlcudes Evolution to the Desk & Did You Know?)
- Provocation Into Outside the Box Thinking (includes It’s Different From What You Expected & 1+1=5)
- Provocation for Finding Ideas (includes Where Do Ideas Come From & On A Beam of Light)
- Provocation Into Possibility (includes How to Unboil an Egg)
- Inquiry Into When “The Human Need to Calculate Runs into Messy Reality” (includes What Counts as a Mountain & Icelandic is Untranslatable)
- Inquiry Into Making (includes 10 Ways to Change a Lightbulb & Primitive Technology: Sandals)
- “Watch Me:” an extra provocation into “Can” (includes The Rest of Us & This Could Fail)
- Provocation Into Growth Mindset & Problem Solving (includes Panyee Soccer Club & What Can I Say to Myself poster)
Social/Emotional Skills & Sense of Self
- Inquiry Into Our Common Ground (includes 3 Beautiful Human Minutes & Step In The Box If…)
- Inquiry Into Friendship (includes The Wonderment & Gymnastics Student’s Repeated Efforts)
- Inquiry Into Bullying (includes How to Stop A Bully & A Sincere Compliment)
- An Inquiry Into the Senses (includes s e n s e s & Blind Birdwatcher Sees without Sound)
- Inquiry Into Goal-Making (includes What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals? & One Little Word)
- An Inquiry Into Symbiosis + “Friends Stick Together” (includes How Wolves Change Rivers & Symbiose)
- Inquiry Into Owning My Own Learning (includes Cogs & Most Likely to Succeed trailer)
- Provocation: To Thine Own Self Be True (includes The Millennial Rebuttal & Bill Watterson’s A Cartoonist’s Advice)
- Provocation Into Growth Mindset & Problem Solving (includes Panyee Soccer Club & What Can I Say to Myself poster)
- Inquiry into Feelings (includes Pixar’s Inside Out Trailer & The Rabbit Listened)